Our Five Ring Circus: Not Me Monday

Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me Monday

Another Monday is here, which means it's time for Not Me Monday! Time to confess all my imperfections! Head on over to MckMama's blog to read more confessions.

It is not impossible for me to get out of the house on time. I've had two kids for almost 3 years. I should be able to do this by now! I do not turn into a crazy mama as I rush through the house trying to get everybody ready and loaded into the car.

Because of my inability to do this, I was not racing to the apple orchard on Monday, attempting to make it to Dylan's field trip on time. I'm not quite sure how I made it on time!

I did not manage to lose my keys in the pit otherwise known as my purse. I did not have to dump out my purse and diaper bag in the middle of Rite Aid in order to find them.

I did not wake up in the middle of the night, thinking my husband looked a bit strange sleeping next to me. Once my head cleared, and my eyes adjusted, I figured out why he looked strange. I did not think it was so funny that I jumped up to take a picture.

Those are not flannel snowman sheets on my bed.

I have not spent a complete fortune on Pre-K related things this week...fundraiser, book order, school pictures...these things add up fast!

I did not fall asleep during the Steelers game yesterday. Nannie's calm, spotless, too warm house does not make me sleepy.

We did not spend a small fortune at the pumpkin patch! Who needs 55 lbs of pumpkins?


  1. I totally feel for you with not being able to leave the house on time!
    I always used to be early, now with 2 kids, I am always late. :(
    And yes, we got 3 inches of snow and it is still snowing...crazy Minnesota weather!
    Happy Monday!

  2. Oh yes, you definitely NEED 55 lbs of pumpkin!!!

  3. I am always rushing out the door! Hard as I try to be on time and prepare the night before we have to go anywhere, I still manage to run late!

  4. It is rough to be on time...whether you have 1 child or 4!

  5. I can relate to so much of that. Although-- my purse is never a pit...

  6. 55 lbs of Pumpkins? WOW... what on EARTH are you gonna do with all of them?

    I'll tell you the first thing you can do, is bake Riley and me a Pumpkin Pie. Mmmmm, we do LOVE IT!!!

    I love that you jumped up and got a picture of your 'husband' in bed with you. He looks a little slobbery if you ask me. =0)

    Happy Monday!

  7. LOL at thinking the dog was your husband. I'm still chuckling at that one. And it's also *not* impossible for me to get out of the house on time either.

  8. Uhm, well I've had four kids for almost two years, but I'm not sure I've left the house when I though should for the past 10 years!

    The dog in bed had me cracking up! I was thinking it was going to be a child, not a dog, LOL!


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