2014 was an amazing year for my family!
We didn't go on a vacation, have a baby, or buy anything exciting. It was, however, a year full of love, fun, and good health. On this last day of 2014, we are all together, and every person we love is healthy, happy, and alive. I call that a win!!!
2014 began with an expected layoff for Grant in January, due to his company being bought. He had another job lined up, but his start date wasn't until the end of May. Thankfully, we were able to live off savings, and he had a chance to spend lots of time with our family!
As the months went by, we learned more about Down Syndrome and we fell even more in love with our amazing little boy! We learned that Down Syndrome really isn't a huge deal. Liam is happy, and he is just as healthy as a "typical" child. He is pure joy and pure love! WE are the ones who are blessed to have him in our lives. We have so much hope for his future. Our sweet boy can brighten any bad day!
Grant and I started to make more time for each other, and our marriage is so good right now. I truly believe Liam made our marriage stronger. We are in this together!
We spent a lot of time with Dylan, Lexie, Lily, and Liam. I am so thankful for every single day I get to spend with these special kids. They are beautiful, inside and out!
We learned that family and good friends are what matter most in life. We are surrounded by a strong support system, and that is such a blessing! We spent most of our time with family and friends in 2014, and we made so many wonderful memories!
The year ended perfectly.
After 6 months of hard work at his new company, Grant got a promotion right before Christmas! He is such a hard worker, and truly cares about the company he works for. I am so proud of him, and this is so good for him and our family!
We had THE best Christmas with our amazing family! Everything was perfect and the holiday was full of love.
We are ending the year with our closest friends, who are like family to us. We are going to have a lot of fun celebrating a great year and ringing in a new year!
Thank you for being so kind to us, 2014. I'm praying 2015 is just as happy and wonderful!