Our Five Ring Circus: Indian Summer

Friday, October 23, 2009

Indian Summer

After our 25 degree morning on Monday, which had me running out to buy Lexie a winter coat, the temps warmed up! For three, glorious days we were blessed with sunny, 70+ degree weather!

We took advantage of it by spending as much time outside as possible. We spent many hours at the park and in our backyard.

On Wednesday, we met my best friend, Jocie, and her two boys, Tyler and Braden at the park. I arrived at the park armed with food, drinks, bicycles, and baseball gear.

Sweet Braden was sleeping when he got to the park.
Dylan, Lexie, and Tyler had a great time together!
I can't believe how big Tyler is getting!
A man came to pick up the port-a-potty. The boys had to watch him load it onto the truck. Dylan was so angry that they took the potty away. Of course, once it was gone, everyone had to go!

Jocie and Braden! I am in love with this picture!
Notice the creatures that Dylan is "driving" around. ;) They are on the seat next to him.
Dylan, Lexie, and Tyler planning some trouble, I'm sure.
Little Miss Bean.
We all had a great time, and we ended up spending three wonderful hours there!

On Thursday, we spent the day in our backyard. I raked the leaves into a pile over and over and over again!

We really enjoyed those last few warm days of the year!

And just like that, it's gone. We're back to the cool, Fall weather!


  1. Awwww, beautiful pictures!!! LOVIN' the fall leaves. Ours haven't started falling just yet. But I think tonight is supposed to get pretty COLD HERE so we may start losing leaves this week. I'm gonna miss them...

    What were the creatures next to Dylan? When I clicked on it, it looks like a SNAKE or something? =0)

  2. It looks so fun jumpin in those leaves!

  3. Leaf piles are the best! The pictures are adorable.
    I wish we had been blessed with a few warmer days. It's been so cold!

  4. I love the fall pictures! Looks like everyone had fun at the park! Cute!!!

  5. Great pictures!! I love play dates they are so fun for the kiddos and us Mommys too! Braden is so precious! I love the leaf pictures.

  6. What cute pictures! I wish for just a few more days of 70 and sunny here! But we woke up to frost and very chilly! Don't think that 70 will be coming back anytime soon! I want more leaves to fall and for us to play :) Looks like everyone had fun!

  7. The leaf pictures are so cute! So glad you got a couple nice days before it gets ugly out there :-) Can you tell I am dreading winter.

  8. great pics!!!
    I ♥ the one of Jocie---looks like she's gonna eat the kid!!!! haha

  9. Great pictures! It looks absolutely beautiful by you! We totally got ripped off on our Fall. :)


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