It was a short week, but I'm really happy the weekend is here. After this past weekend, I'm ready to be in summer mode, so I can relax just a bit! Only one more week of school!
Without further ado, here's what I'm loving right now:
We have a walker!!!
Liam is now 21 months old. He was an early cruiser, so his therapists expected him to walk unassisted by 18 months. He started to take 1-2 unassisted steps between furniture just before he turned 18 months, but he didn't progress beyond that. The average age for a child with Down Syndrome to walk is 2-4. I wasn't worried, mainly because he's tiny, he's my last baby, and I knew he would do it.
On Wednesday, his occupational therapist was here, and not only did he reach all his OT goals in just 3 short months, but she kept telling me he would walk soon. At the end of the session, as she was writing her paperwork, he took 5 giant steps across the living room. He looked SO proud of himself as he walked toward me. It truly took my breath away! I immediately started crying because he had to work so much harder than my "typical" kids to achieve this goal. It was such an incredible moment!
I'm not sure anything will top the first one, but I'll try! I love these shoes from Target. I bought them just before Easter, and I wear them all the time. They go with everything!
This picture is one of my new favorites. "Women drivers. Geez."
Chocolate Chip Cookie S'mores. Enough said. Recipe HERE.
Bubble Painting. My girls LOVE to do this! It's such an easy, fun activity!
My love for making headbands was rekindled. I forgot how quick and easy it is! A few shabby flowers, a few elastic headbands, a needle and thread, and 10 extra minutes. DONE!
We loved Dylan's first chorus concert! This was the first year the school had a 4th grade choir, and they did a great job! I cried my way through it!
Liam was chosen to be a brand enthusiast for Olly Oaks! They have the cutest moccasins. I can't wait to get our first item!
Liam loves the camera and I love to take pictures. There are so many people who don't believe Down Syndrome can be beautiful, but it can be. I love sharing my beautiful boy, who has the most contagious smile, with the world!
Happy Friday! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
I'm also linking up with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday!