Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Day in Pictures
Of course, I took many pictures to document the day. Me, take too many pictures? Noooooo.
We started out the day celebrating Aubrey's 3rd Birthday. Isn't she the sweetest?
Lexie fell asleep on our way to Nannie's picnic. We pitched the Pack and Play in the backyard at Nannie's, and let her sleep. She woke up at 7 (EEEK!) and was in the best mood. She was just so adorable! Dylan spent the afternoon/evening wowing the crowd with his mad baseball skills, and playing other sports and games.
Lexie snuggling with Daddy after she woke up.
Grant's mom bought the kids some toys to play with. Dylan loved his toy snake!
Dylan and Lexie were absolutely filthy by the end of the day. Here's some proof:
Lexie hung all over her crush (Grant's friend, Jason) all evening, and Dylan befriended Nannie's teenage neighbor, so they were in good hands for the day. Which left me plenty of time to eat my second meal, and hit up the dessert table two...or three...or four times. But who's counting?
It was yet another great Memorial Day. And this time it didn't rain!
Happy Memorial Day!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I've been slacking with blogging lately, thanks to lots of things to do, and many recent tests and doctors appointments.
I have a whole slew of blogs written and ready to go, as soon as I upload the pics
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Walk To Remember
One of my favorite things to do with my family is to go on walks or hikes. I just love the time we spend together while getting some exercise outdoors. We usually head over to McConnells Mill State Park to hike or go to a nearby walking trail that winds along a creek and ends at a historical cemetery.
After a hot, uneventful, Sunday afternoon, which was spent mostly outdoors, we decided to wind down with a walk at the nearby trail. We just let the kids do their own thing, and took a relaxing stroll.
I was struck by the differences between having a boy and a girl. Dylan spent most of the walk touching bugs, and carrying caterpillars around on his hand. Lexie spent her time picking as many flowers as she possibly could. I followed them, trying to capture some sweet pictures in the fading sunlight.
Can my girl possibly get any sweeter?!? She melts my heart.
After our walk, we headed to Dairy Queen for a yummy treat. ;)
When I look back on our family walks, I will always remember the smiles on Dylan and Lexie's faces and the wonder in their eyes as they explore. Those are moments that make life worth living.
Friday, May 22, 2009
4 1/2 years
Dylan is still tall and lanky. He is 45 inches tall (3'9) and 38 lbs.
He has his first loose tooth!
He is obsessed with superheroes. He loves Spiderman, Batman, Wolverine, Superman, and Iron Man. He loves anything that has to do with Star Wars. He often pretends he is a superhero, and has to coordinate his outfit to who he currently is. That means, he changes several times a day!
His favorite cartoon is (gulp) Spongebob Squarepants. He also loves Berenstain Bears.
He loves playing outside. We spend hours outdoors, every sunny day.
He is a great eater. His favorite snacks are fruits, vegetables, cheese, and nuts. He loves edamame and pita chips with hummus. His favorite thing to drink is milk.
His junk foods of choice are popcorn and gum.
He has a bit of a developmental stutter. It seems to come and go. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but we are patient with him.
He loves playing games. His favorites are memory, candyland, and cooties.
He still loves to read. His favorite books are Berenstain Bears.
He is amazing at baseball.
He loves animals.
He loves to perform and be the center of attention. He is a ham and a ladies man.
He says that he's going to be a baseball player or a doctor when he grows up. I wouldn't be surprised if he's an actor.
He is still the sweetest little man, despite the attitude and typical 4 year old behavior. He is constantly hugging, kissing, and telling people that they are his best friend or that he loves them so much. He has more compassion at 4 years old than a lot of adults.
I love him to pieces.
Coincidentally, Lexie turned 27 months today.
She and Dylan were both born on the 22nd of the month, so it just so happens that she is the exact same age today that Dylan was on the day she was born.
I can't even remember him at that age. He seemed so much older at that age, than she does now! Probably, because he had the duty of being a big brother.
Happy 27 months, princess!
Happy 4 1/2 years, Dylan! You are now closer to 5 than you are to 4. Stop growing up so fast, buddy!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summer Sneak-Peek
I set up the new Slip 'n Slide for the kids. Best $5 I've ever spent! They LOVE it!

I finally was able to convince them to get dressed. Hey, I guess if they spend the day in their bathing suits, it means less laundry for me!
They finished up their day outside with a little skywatching.
They should sleep well tonight!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Loose tooth!
Dylan had a checkup with his dentist today. He was so good, even during the bite-wing x-rays! We found out that he has his first loose tooth!
I honestly can't believe we're dealing with this already. The doctor said he's ahead of schedule with this, but it's probably due to the fact that he had all of his teeth at such a young age. Because of that, she thinks that his 6 year molars may come in earlier than usual.
Ahhh...loose teeth. I hate tooth gore! This makes him seem way too grown up!
No sweat
Lexie had her sweat test redone today, to check for CF. Once again, she didn't sweat. The lab tech basically told us that this test most likely won't work for her.
So, we heard from her doctor. She wants us to repeat a stool test so they can compare the levels in this test to the levels in the previous test. If the levels are still the same, we'll talk about testing for CF again.
So...what does this all mean? This means that I have to dig through poop again. This means that we will wait 4+ weeks for the results, worrying about the possibility of CF for even longer. This means that I'm completely fed up with not having answers! On the 24th, Lexie will have had diarrhea every single day, several times a day, for 6 straight months. Instead of starting treatment for malabsorption, we're just going to sit around waiting to see if she needs to be re-checked for CF, and then go from there.
Completely. Fed. Up.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good news for Dylan!
Dylan had his appointment with the pediatric dermatologist today. His suspicious-looking mole is okay for now. He will have to get it removed sometime in the next few years. The doctor would like to wait 2-4 years, because it's a difficult location to remove from-the area is prone to infection and it will be a painful healing process. For now, we just monitor it. If it grows or changes again, or starts irritating Dylan, he will have to get it removed. If everything stays normal, he will just go in once a year for an exam, until the time comes that he's old enough to handle it. I'm so glad he can wait to have it removed!
Mother's Day weekend with a few MoM's
Two other MoM members, Annie and Heather, who are from Minnesota and Wisconsin, flew in to stay with Jen, so I got to meet them!
It was so wonderful to meet my fellow MoM's. They were every bit as amazing in real life, as they are on the message board. I really wish we could have spent more time together. One day was not enough!!!
Dylan and Lexie came along to play with Gage and Lila. I would have loved to meet Annie and Heather's adorable children, but it was a child-free weekend for them. Dylan was not acting like his normal self. I know the long drive and the lack of sleep contributed to his behavior, but he was driving me crazy. He did show a bit of his sweet personality by declaring Jen, Heather, and Annie his best friends, and giving them plenty of smooches and hugs. What can I say? He's a ladies man.
That picture above sums up his attitude that weekend...he's subconsciously giving me the middle finger, I'm sure. ;)
We got a very nice break from Lexie's non-stop talking. She clammed up in front of all the new people, only talking a bit here and there. Grant and I kept commenting on how nice it was that she was quiet for once. Her non-stop chatter and singing resumed the second we pulled away from the curb on Sunday. *sigh*
We arrived on Friday night, and after checking into our hotel, we went over to Jen's. It was very surreal to see Annie and Heather, who I only knew by pictures, sitting in Jen's backyard. We chatted for a few hours, while Grant and Mike kept the kids busy. On Saturday, we had a picnic at Jen's. Several other MoM's were supposed to come by, but they were unable to. We had a great time talking all day.
Annie spent the day with her camera by her side. Check out her blog-she takes some beautiful pictures!
I had my camera with me, but didn't take too many photos. Here are a few from our weekend. Gage and Lila are so adorable!
Thanks for letting us stay with you, Jen! We can't wait to see you again!
I had a great Mother's Day weekend. I got to spend it with some wonderful moms! I feel so lucky to have been able to meet Annie and Heather and to see Jen and her family again!
When we got home, we stopped by my sister's house for dinner so I could see my wonderful mom. The turkey dinner was so good, and I got an unexpected gift. It was a poem I wrote for my Grandma when I was 12, for Mother's Day. She had it framed, and sitting in her room. I forgot all about it, until I saw it, and memories came flooding back with the tears. She meant the world to me, and I really miss her.
Lexie with my mom. Her beloved Nana.
I love Dylan and Lexie more than anything, and feel so blessed to be their mom.