On Friday, Dylan's school was having a building visitation day. We have been to his school several times, but I had to go pick up his ID badge. Dylan really wanted to show his Papa around his new school, so my dad joined us.
I was just amazed at how big and confident he seemed. He proudly gave my dad the tour of the school, and led the way to the Kindergarten hall. Even though the classrooms were locked, he was happy to see where his classroom was, and wanted to wear his badge right away!
I can't believe how grown up he is!

I knew that a girl from Dylan's Pre-K class was in his Kindergarten class, but I didn't recognize any of the other names on the badges. Later that night, we received a wonderful email...Dylan's best friend from Pre-K is in the same class! Dylan is thrilled! And honestly...it makes sending him to school a bit easier. Just a bit.
After visiting the school, my dad treated us to a trip to
Living Treasures, which is another local animal park. My entire family has been having a rough week, so my dad wanted to spend some fun time with the kids. I decided to tag along.
Dylan and Lexie are animal lovers, and would spend all day at the zoo if they could! Living Treasures is a nice place to visit, and there's plenty to do.

There were lots of baby animals at the park! Alligator hatchlings, tortoise hatchlings, baby deer, baby buffalo...they were all so cute!

The kids loved the aviary, which is one of the new features. Dylan loved feeding the parrots and cockatiels, but poor Lexie didn't have much luck!

Dylan and Lexie definitely fit in with the animals.

Just like at the animal park we visited last week, the petting zoo was a huge hit. We spent at least an hour in there! Lexie loved the goat that kept eating her dress!

Lexie was fascinated by the camel...but preferred to sit back and watch.

Dylan and I took a ride!

The kids spent a few more minutes with their new friends.

When it was time to go, Lexie announced loudly, "It's just. not. fair!!!"
When I casually mentioned that they could pick out a treat at the gift shop, she booked it out of there! A few minutes later, they were in the car snuggling their new treasures and discussing our next visit.
I apologize for my lack of blog visits lately. My family has a had a lot of things happen this week, and we're all stressed out. On top of that, my insomnia is in full swing. I've only been sleeping 1-4 hours a night, and I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I'm tired for once, so I'm logging off to get some sleep! I promise to make my rounds soon!