Unfortunately, it rained when we planned to go. We rescheduled the outing for last week, and it rained again, but we decided to just go for it! I'm glad we did. It was misting shortly after we arrived, but stopped raining minutes later.
We were missing a few people from the group. Dylan was at a sleepover, Andrew was out of town, Audrey didn't come, and Amy and her girls were at the beach. Despite our missing friends and the rain, we managed to have a great time!
Once we all arrived, we lined up the older kids for a quick picture. They were eager to get started!

While we had our containers weighed and waited for the wagon, the kids played.

The cart finally pulled up, and we all climbed aboard for the trip up to the strawberry field.

When we arrived at the strawberry field, we set the kids loose. Hilarious antics ensued, including babies shoving everything into their mouths, toddlers eating every strawberry they picked, and a spontaneous bathroom visit...under a tree (when toddlers say they have to go, they have to go NOW).

The kids did a great job filling their containers with strawberries.

Of course, we had to get one last group photo before leaving the field. We are the mamarazzi, and the kids know to expect LOTS of pictures!

The wagon returned for us, so we climbed back in the cart and headed down to pay for our many, many, many strawberries.

I missed Dylan and wished he was there, but I had a great day with my girls, my baby, and my sweet niece, Aubrey.

The fun didn't end there. We took our crazy crew to a nearby restaurant for lunch. We received many stares and heard "look at all those kids!" comments, but the waitress told us our kids were the best behaved bunch of the day!

After lunch, we all went our separate ways, and we were reunited with Dylan.

We had so much fun with our wonderful friends! We can't wait to do this again next year!