Our Five Ring Circus: June 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

8 Simple Tips for Strong & Healthy Hair

8 Simple Tips for Strong & Healthy Hair

I received this product for free from Moms Meet for review. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Opinions are honest and 100% my own.

After years of parenting four children, I realized that my own personal care was at the bottom of my priority list. I didn't go beyond the basics for my hair or my skin, and when you are in your thirties, those things really start to matter. Even though I don't have much time to focus on my own needs, truly taking care of my hair (and my skin) can be simple!

I'm a busy mom, so I frequently pull my hair back in a ponytail or a topknot. After years of abuse, I noticed a lot of breakage. Undoing the damage is still a work in progress, made a bit more difficult by my changing hair texture, but I'm starting to notice an improvement. Not only did I learn to let my hair down more often, but I also started following a few simple tips for stronger, healthier hair!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What's Up Wednesday? ~ June Edition

What's Up Wednesday?

It's the last Wednesday of the month which means it's time for What's Up Wednesday! Is it just me, or did June fly by ridiculously fast?!? I can't believe the month is almost over, and July is arriving next week!

On the last Wednesday of each month, I share a life lately post. It's a great way to share what my family is up to! Not just the daily recap, but the things we're eating, watching, listening to, reading, wearing, and more...

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Weekly Mom Life Recap

The Weekly Mom Life Recap

Happy Monday! We're starting the new week after having our first relaxing weekend of the Summer. It was LOVELY! The past two weeks have been really busy, so the break was much needed!

We finally have a fairly quiet week ahead of us. Other than my work (and there's plenty of that) and the usual everyday chores, the only thing we HAVE to do is go grocery shopping today, run a few errands, visit my parents on Friday, and go to a graduation party. I still can't run thanks to my broken toe, but I have big plans to start yoga again this week!

Here's a recap of what we've done over the past two weeks (Spoiler Alert: We've been busy!):  

Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Favorites: Five Things I'm Currently Loving

Friday Favorites: Five Things I'm Currently Loving

Happy Friday, my friends! Life is super busy right now, which is why I'm writing this post at 3 AM. I had some HUGE collaborations to work on this week, and Liam had his June summer session of preschool, so there wasn't much time left over for anything else! All I can say is TGIF!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dance Recital Mania

Dance Recital Mania

Lily's second year of dance came to an end this weekend, and we got to see all of her hard work during the dance recital on Saturday! Lily is not a competitive dancer, but she does take classes at an award winning studio that's filled with awesome teachers and incredible competitive dancers. We love the dance studio, and the dance recital at the end of the year is a big event!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

5 Healthy Ways To Start Your Day

5 Healthy Ways To Start Your Day

This post is sponsored by Natrol but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. 

I might be a lot of things, but a morning person is not one of them! No matter how hard I try, waking up early is just not my thing. I do, however, focus on healthy living, and I strive to teach my kids the healthy habits they need to become healthy adults. Following a healthy morning routine is how my family starts each day!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Friday Mom Life Favorites

Friday Mom Life Favorites

Happy Friday! We are a week into Summer Break, and it isn't nearly as relaxing as I thought it would be. I'm taking a much needed break from the chaos, and sharing a few of my current favorite mom life things!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Down For Summer Adventures with Zip & Zoe + 75 Things To Do This Summer

Down for Summer Adventures with Zip & Zoe + 75 Fun Things To Do This Summer With Kids

This post is sponsored by Babymel Bags, but photos and opinions are 100% my own.

It's officially Summer Break, and my kids are gearing up for all the adventures that are ahead of us! While it's true that we're going to have an unscheduled summer, we will still have many adventures together as a family. The next 2 1/2 months will be filled with the things we WANT to do, not the things we HAVE to do!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Mom Life Lately

Mom Life Lately

I always say that May is the busiest month of the year, and it is, but June is shaping up to be just as busy this year! Summer Break isn't exactly going as I envisioned it. The truth is, life in a big family is always busy and loud, and there's NEVER a dull moment!

Monday, June 11, 2018

School's Out For The Summer!

School's Out For The Summer!

It's official! School's out for the Summer! We made it through a busy school year with four kids in four different schools, and all of their sports and activities. The reward is the 2 1/2 months of Summer Break ahead of us!

Friday, June 8, 2018

4 Untold Ways You Can Use Gift Cards to Save Big

4 Untold Ways You Can Use Gift Cards to Save Big

Today's feature is a guest post about saving money. With four kids to raise, I love finding as many ways to save as possible!

As their name suggests, gift cards are meant to be given as gifts. They are a popular gift item, especially during the Christmas season. However, did you know that you can use gift cards to save money every single month of the year? Being a smart consumer is all about finding those secret loopholes and deals to score extra discounts. We are not talking about gift cards you get as gifts. Those are 100% profit because you didn’t spend money to buy them in the first place. Instead, we want to share how you can buy discount gift cards for yourself to save big.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Ultimate Beach Sensory Bin

The Ultimate Beach Sensory Bin

We are big fans of sensory play! It's messy, it's fun, and the benefits are extensive. With Summer Break officially beginning this week, I put together a beach themed sensory bin to get my kids excited about having a summer full of fun!

Monday, June 4, 2018

May Days: The Busiest Month of the Year

May Days - The Busiest Month of the Year

May flew by in a whirlwind of activity! Every single day was scheduled, and I'm not quite sure how we made it through unscathed. But we blinked, and the month was over! 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Our Unscheduled Summer

Why My Family Is Going To Have An Unscheduled Summer

The end of the school year is just days away for most school districts in the Pittsburgh area. Any parent who has a child in school knows from experience that the last month of the school year is pure chaos. When you multiply that chaos by four kids, life gets crazy! After months of having something scheduled every single day, I officially declared we will be having an unscheduled summer!

Head over to Pittsburgh Moms Blog to read my full post...