Summer is supposed to be lazy, but it's the opposite around here! We were so excited for summer vacation, and it's more than halfway over. Time goes by so quickly!
Here's a glimpse at life lately:
*Liam turned 11 months. I wanted to cry. I swear, he gets cuter and happier every month!
*Lily is going to be THREE in 9 days. She is the funniest kid!!! She potty trained early, before her second birthday, but hasn't been consistently dry at night. Until this week. She decided she was over nighttime pull-ups, and just wanted to wear underwear. I agreed, and she woke up dry every morning this week. No more pull-ups!
*Lexie is having a fun summer! She loves having her cousin/BFF at our house 3 days a week. She also loves to read. She is flying through the Junie B. Jones series of books. She can finish one of those books in an hour! She's my sweetheart.
*Dylan has grown up so much in the past two months. Not only did he grow taller, but he looks older, and is more mature. He's such a beautiful boy, inside and out!
*I spend my days wrangling kids, feeding kids, cleaning, participating in Liam's therapy, and driving from one activity to another. We're having a lot of fun!
*Grant is about 2 months into his new job, and he really likes it. He just had a birthday yesterday! We celebrated with date night at Red Lobster, followed by a mini birthday party with his mom, nannie, and the kids!
*I fell so behind on my 365 Project. I still take pictures everyday, but I don't have time to keep up with those posts. So I think I'm just going to do a monthly photo recap and leave it at that! I can pretty much say I'm busy and do approximately a thousand things a day. At least it feels that way!
*My great-nephew was born today! Welcome to the world, Bentley!!!
*My debit card was stolen AGAIN. Thank you, Target. This time, $1000 was taken out of my account. Charges made in Qatar. I just wrote the dispute letter, so I'm hoping the bank is quick about getting our money back!!!
*Party planning is in full force! Lily and Liam are having a combined birthday party in 3 weeks! I need to start shopping!
*Coming up in the next month: Our family reunion, Lily's 3rd Birthday, a birthday party for a friend, Lily and Liam's party, Liam's first birthday, and lots of swimming and playdates!
*School starts in just over a month. That makes us all so sad. We love summer!!!