Our Five Ring Circus: 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Year In Review

It's so hard to believe that 2010 is almost over! I never believed that time would seem to go faster when you have kids, but it really does! Part of this year was really bad, but it ended so well.

January 2010:

Not much happened. Life returned to normal after Christmas break.


February 2010:

We had the biggest snowstorm since 1993, and Lexie turned 3!


March 2010:

Another unexciting month, but the weather was gorgeous!


April 2010:

My 30th Birthday, Easter, and Dylan started baseball!


May 2010:

Dylan graduated from Pre-K! More baseball games were played...he loved baseball!


June 2010:

Our many trips to the zoo began, Dylan lost his first tooth, and Dylan's first season of baseball ended.


July 2010:

Summer was in full swing, and it. was. hot.


August 2010:

We went on vacation to Grosse Pointe, Michigan, to visit Grant's Uncle Scott. This was the month our lives almost fell apart.


September 2010:

Dylan started Kindergarten, and Grant and I worked really hard to save our marriage. I'm happy to say that we succeeded! We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary together. That month, we said goodbye to my grandpap, and it really made me count my blessings.


October 2010:

We started the month out with a camping trip, and had fun celebrating Halloween!


November 2010:

My little man turned 6! Thanksgiving was rough, because my dad had a health scare, but we tried our best to celebrate.


December 2010:

We got the most amazing early Christmas present, when I found out I was pregnant, on December 2nd. We had a wonderful Christmas season!


Despite the rough patches, we have a lot to be thankful for this year. Here's to memories made, and an amazing 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tidbits on Wednesday

I usually do my Tidbits post on Tuesday, but since I seem to be a day behind on everything this week, today will just have to do.

Tuesday (make that Wednesday) Tidbits is my day to remember all the cute and funny things my kids say and do.

Some recent comments from Lexie Bean:

~"Is me brain in my head?"

~"Stop coffeeing (that would be copying) me!"

~"I mean business!"

~"I can't poop! I have eczema!"

~"Dylan hit me!" What's funny about that is that Dylan wasn't even home!

A few from Dylan:

~"I don't wear socks in bed because it feels difficult."

~"Womans are helpful!"

They do keep me laughing, even while I'm feeling miserable!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

8 Weeks

Now that the secret is out, it's time to document my pregnancy! I am 8 weeks, as of yesterday.

December 27, 2010

How far along:
8 weeks

Total Weight Gained:
None-probably lost

How big is baby? About the size of a kidney bean

How baby is growing: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet

I'm exhausted, but always wake up at least once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

Best Moment of the Week:
Telling everybody our news, and seeing their reaction!

: None

Food Craving: Kosher Dill Pickles, Jello

Food Aversions:
Everything else, especially liquids.

Morning Sickness:
I've been sick since before I missed my period, and it's getting worse. I'm praying it doesn't last my entire pregnancy, like it did with Dylan and Lexie.


Nausea every waking moment, vomiting, gagging, headaches from dehydration, exhaustion.

What I miss:
Feeling normal!!!

What I'm looking forward to:
The morning sickness going away (Praying!!!), and feeling the baby move!

Here's the baby bump at 8 weeks. I'm wearing a bulky sweater, but there's not much to see! I'm incredibly bloated like I was with Lexie. My belly actually shrunk after my first trimester with her!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Christmas 2010

We had a very good Christmas! It was an exciting one, too, because we got to finally share our big news! We announced the news with our Holiday cards, and everybody was so excited!

Our Christmas was just as busy as ever. It was especially tiring this year, though. Dylan and Lexie both had the sniffles, and I woke up with another bad cold on Christmas Eve. That, combined with the nasty morning (make that all day) sickness, was not a good mix. We all managed to have a great time, though!

On Christmas Eve, we stopped by my sister's house to visit. The kids had fun with their cousins, and they all exchanged little gifts.


We came home for a bit, so Lexie could nap. Dylan ended up painting and building a wooden train set, while I cleaned the house. As soon as Lexie woke up, we returned to my sister's house for dinner with my family. My kids are so blessed to have so many cousins, ranging in age from 2 to 25!


My parents gave all the little kids art sets, which kept them occupied for a good half hour! Although we would have liked to stay longer, we had another place to visit! It's tradition to end our evening at Nannie's house.

While there, we spend time with Grant's family, exchange some gifts, and give the kids their special Christmas pajamas and a little present. Grant's mom also gives them their new ornaments.


Dylan was exhausted, so he put a pillow over his head, and quickly went to sleep.


He stayed asleep until we got home, and I briefly woke him to put cookies and milk out for Santa. Once both kids were snug in their beds, Santa showed up!


Dylan came into our room around 8:30 in the morning. He didn't say a single word for a half hour. He just snuggled up to me. Finally, he sat up, and said, "You should see all the presents Santa left under the tree!!!"

We woke up our sleepy girl, and the kids began tacking their mounds of presents!


Lexie is a very serious when she opens gifts (I think she gets embarrassed), but Dylan's reaction to every gift was priceless. He had a huge smile on his face the entire time, and jumped up and down, shouting with excitement, after every single gift. He made Christmas morning so perfect!

After we finished unwrapping gifts, my parents came over with their gifts, and then we had a huge Christmas breakfast. We look forward to that every year!


After my parents left, we got dressed, and headed over to Grant's parent's house to open gifts with them.


We stopped by Nannie's briefly, so she could give the kids their gifts, before heading over to Grant's other Grandma's house. It was so nice to see that side of the family, since we missed Thanksgiving, and his Grandma's reaction to our news was so funny! She was so excited!


We went to my sister's house again, for dinner with my family. Dylan and Lexie were so excited to spend so much time with cousin Aubrey. They really miss her!


We stopped by Nannie's again (are you tired yet?), but didn't stay long because I was so queasy, and the kids were tired. I feel bad that I didn't take many pictures this year, but I was so focused on trying not to throw up!

When we got home, Grant and Dylan immediately began building a big Lego set, and Lexie and I put together some of her toys. It wasn't long before the kids were laying around.


Grant and I snuggled on the couch, watching Christmas shows, after the kids went to bed. The Christmas mess is still under my tree.


It was a wonderful Christmas!