Our Five Ring Circus: March 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

17 Weeks with Baby #4

DATE: March 29, 2013

How far along:
17 Weeks!

Total Weight Gained:
None.  Still in the losing process. I have a new round of medication.  In addition to the Zofran, I will now take Phenergan at night, and Vitamin B6 4 times a day.  Here's hoping it helps!

How big is baby?  Baby #4 is about the size of a turnip.  He/She weighs 5 oz and is about 5 inches crown to rump.

How baby is growing
: Baby #4's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone. He/She can move his/her joints, and his/her sweat glands are starting to develop.   (From babycenter.com.)

Maternity Clothes: None. My regular clothes are still loose.

Sleep: I sleep well at night, but I wake up with a headache every morning.  I'm beginning to think it has something to do with my neck, so I'm considering going to a chiropractor!

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week:
Hearing the heartbeat again at my 16 week OB appointment!  That makes all those months of hyperemesis worth it!

Movement:  I can feel the baby moving more often now, and the movements are much stronger than they used to be!

Food Cravings: None.

Food Aversions:

Morning Sickness:
I still have hyperemesis, and there is no sign of it easing any time soon!

We're not finding out! We didn't find out with Dylan, Lexie, and Lily either!

Horrible morning (ALL DAY) sickness, Braxton Hicks contractions, exhaustion (although that is starting to ease), headaches/migraines, and irritabilityThe left side of my lower belly hurts to touch, but the OB said it was just from things moving around and the baby (and uterus) growing bigger.

A light walk/run combo workout on the treadmill, 20 minutes a day, Tuesday-Friday.  I was too sick on Monday to even attempt it.

What I miss: Feeling normal.  I can't remember what it's like to not feel sick!

What I'm looking forward to:
Scheduling our big ultrasound!  I'm calling today!  Even though we aren't finding out the gender, I'm very excited to see the baby!!!

17 Week Picture:  


Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Happenings of Week Twelve

MARCH 19th

After school, Lexie had storytime at the library.  That afternoon, I ran around getting supplies together for Dylan's science fair.  That evening, we went to Dylan's science fair.  He was so proud of his project and his trophy for his hard work!

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MARCH 20th

The big kids had a pre-scheduled 2 hour delay from school, so we got to sleep in a bit.  That afternoon, I took Lexie to gymnastics.  While she was in class, I had to do some shopping at Costco.  That evening, I had an awesome girls night out to dinner with my friends to celebrate Steph's birthday!

MARCH 21st

After school, we met our friends at Burger King for a playdate.  The kids had a great time running around in the indoor playground.  Afterward, Steph and I browsed Babies R Us.  We are due within weeks of each other!  That evening, we went to a friend's house for dinner.


MARCH 22nd

We spent the afternoon visiting my parents.  After having dinner with them, I drove Dylan to a friend's house for a sleepover.  The rest of the night was spent at home doing laundry and relaxing.


MARCH 23rd

We had our annual Easter Party/Egg Hunt with our group of friends.  It was so much fun!  Afterward, Dylan left with a friend for a sleepover.  Grant left to spend some time with his brother, and the girls and I were on our own.

MARCH 24th

This was one of those horrible, no good days.  The night before, my morning sickness started getting worse.  There was no change when I woke up, and I ended up very sick all day, and in bed until 5 pm.  I couldn't keep anything down, and I honestly should have gone to the hospital for an IV.  Luckily, when I woke up, I was able to get some fluids, but I kept getting sick all night.  Also?  This day was the 1 year anniversary of Grant's best friend, Jason, passing away unexpectedly.  Plus, Lily fell out of her crib and landed on her head.  I was happy to see this day end!


MARCH 25th

We woke up to 6 inches of snow, so the kids had a 2 hour delay.  Dylan had a really bad headache (I sure hope he isn't inheriting my migraines!), I was still having a horrible time with the morning sickness, and Lexie missed the bus.  So?  Dylan stayed home, and I let Lexie enjoy a snow day.  I didn't feel up to driving her to school for 1 hour and 40 minutes worth of class!  I "enjoyed" a sick day at home in my pajamas!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Annual Easter Party and Egg Hunt

We have so many holiday traditions!  One of them is our annual Easter party and egg hunt, which we look forward to every year.   We get together with our close group of friends for this party, and we have been doing this for years!

This year we expanded the group.  Our Blogger/Twitter mom group has become very close and we have all become friends, so we included them in the party. 

Amber, Tracy, and I threw this party together just a few weeks ago.  Easter really came quick this year! Tracy offered to host, so she had the most work, but we all pitched in to make the party fun!

We were smart this year, and split the kids into groups for all the activities.  There is a group of kids that are 3 and under and a group of kids that are 5-13.  Dividing them worked really well!

Shortly after arriving, we decided to start with the Egg Hunt!  The toddlers were very eager to go outside, even though it was chilly, so they kicked it off!


Lily was just a baby last year, so she was unsure about what to do.


It didn't take her very long to realize that the eggs had CANDY inside of them!!!


The big kids were very excited for their turn, too!


Lily was so impressed by the egg hunt that she escaped and joined the big kids for more fun!


In just a few minutes...or seconds...the egg hunt was over.  Those big kids are FAST!


Once we got everybody back inside, we set up for egg dying.  The toddlers went first, followed by kids 8 and under, then the older girls.  The big boys were too cool to dye eggs!


We sent the kids off to play (and snack), while we cleaned up and got ready for dinner.


Dinner went quickly! I think everybody was more excited about playing than eating!


Just wondering...who doesn't sit in a chair, on top of a train table, and snack?   Crazy toddlers!


After dinner, we had a cake for our friend, Tina, who celebrated her birthday the day before!


The kids ate cake and played some more.  As bedtime approached, it was obvious that everybody was getting sleepy!


Everybody had a great time this year!  We're so glad we could include new friends in our fun.  Next year, a few more new babies will be joining us!!!  It will be fun to continue this tradition and watch our group grow!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trendy Tot Tuesday-Egg Hunt Style

I am linking up with Megan, Kelly, and Lindsay for Trendy Tot Tuesday! 

This week is Pre-Easter Style!  We went to an egg hunt/Easter party this weekend and my kids got to dress up!


 I love putting Lily in holiday clothing.  It's easy to find in her size! 


Happy Easter Tutu Dress:  Koala Kids (Babies 'r Us)
Legwarmers:  Girls Crochet Headbands 
Flower clips (on skinny elastic):  Girls Crochet Headbands 


Lexie has a ton of fancy dresses, and loves to dress up!  I let her choose which dress she wants to wear because they are all so cute!


Dress:  Jona Michelle (Costco)
Leopard Print Coat:  Mack & Co (Costco)
Leggings: Circo (Target)
Flower Clip: Given to me by a friend, but can be found online


Dylan wears a lot of button-down shirts with jeans.  If he's not wearing something sporty, he's wearing something preppy! 

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Button-down shirt:  Old Navy

{Baby #4}  

Baby #4 will get a few new things for his/her first Easter, but he/she does have a lot of cute hand-me-downs! 

If it's a girl, she could sport Lily's My First Easter tutu dress!


If it's a boy, he could wear Dylan's My First Easter blue bunny stretchie, from Babies R Us!  It's similar to this one, but is all blue:

I can't believe we're going to have another little one next Easter.  I am glad we'll be able to reuse all those My First Easter items next year!