The fun started with Dylan's class party. He was so excited to go to school in his costume!
This very sweet pumpkin was really looking forward to Halloween!
Yesterday, we made thumbprint spider pictures (found on this awesome blog), more pumpkin seeds, and Halloween cut-out cookies.
Last night, we went trick or treating in my parent's neighborhood. It was chilly, so the kids didn't want to stay out long. We went back to my parent's house, and Dylan helped my dad hand out treats.
After trick or treating was over, we went to my sister's house, so the kids could play with my great niece, Aubrey. Aubrey was in town, and the kids love spending time with her!
We had such a busy day that the kids fell asleep quickly. This morning, they woke up early, and they were excited! It was an exciting morning for all of us!
Dylan and Lexie got Boo'ed today! They were so happy to find a pumpkin on the porch filled with little toys. We spent the afternoon at home, making Halloween Jello Jigglers.
After dinner, it was time to trick or treat! We went to Grant's parent's house, so we could trick or treat in their neighborhood.
It was cold tonight! The kids were fine at first, but got cold quickly!
After an hour of fun, they were done! They headed home with their bags of goodies, and were happy to warm up!
It was a great Halloween for us and our little pumpkins!