Our Five Ring Circus: March Already?

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Already?

I swear, the months are flying by. Did February even happen?

I keep telling myself to take things one day at a time so I don't get overwhelmed. I did just that, today, only allowing myself to focus on one problem.

I booked an appointment for our cat today, and they were able to get us in this afternoon. One very expensive vet visit later, we left with some answers.

The vet ran several tests to rule out parasites and feline leukemia. Those tests were negative. She was hoping it would be parasites, because that's an easy fix. In the end, she decided to treat Cosette for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She gave her a shot, and sent us home with medication and probiotics. In two weeks, we go back for another appointment. If the diarrhea is getting better, then we know that this is what she has. If not, she is going to place her on a hypoallergenic food, to see if that helps.

If nothing changes, we have some tough decisions to make. The other cause of the diarrhea would be cancer. Our cat is older, and the testing (not to mention treatment, if it turned out to be cancer) would be extensive and expensive. I am hoping that this current treatment works, and that we won't have to make that decision. I've never had to make the decision to put a pet down, and I really don't want that to lay on my conscience.


Lexie is almost completely night trained. She has been staying dry during naps for months, but wasn't consistent with staying dry through the night. She woke up at 4 AM, on her birthday, to use the potty, and has been staying consistently dry ever since. I am so proud of her! I think we'll be able to do away with the night time pull-up very soon, but it is difficult letting go of that crutch!


I just have to say that I've been amazed by the amount of support I've received lately.

When I began my blog, it was to share pictures and stories with my family members and friends, and to record our daily lives. I never expected to make so many wonderful friends along the way. I have received so much support and love from women that I don't even know, and I think that's amazing. I feel blessed to "know" all of you. I have learned so much from my blog friends, and care about all of you.

I just wanted to say thank you all!


So, now that March is here, I am more than ready for warm weather. Bring it on! I need some sunshine and warmth as I tackle all these items on my "must do" list!


  1. My yorkie is 12 and begin to start showing signs of her age. Their life expectancy is 14 so it's to be expected I guess but even with that said, the acceptance process is not easy. Hugs to you and yours as you go through this period.

  2. I'm so sorry about your cat. I can't remember if I've already told you this or not, but we made a very difficult decision to put one of our dogs down in July after a diagnosis of lymphoma. She was a large dog, and 12 years old, so at the end of her life expectancy. That didn't make it any easier though.

    Also, growing up, we had a dog with colitis. She would get half a prednisone tablet every day and it really kept things under control. If it's colitis, it's easily treatable.

    Yay for Lexie staying dry!!

  3. I really can't believe it is already March either! I mean wasn't it just Christmas like two weeks ago?!?

  4. And we so enjoy getting to know you! Hope the rest of your week continues to improve!

  5. thank god its march!

    i think your blog is great because it has a lot of real life in it. you have the ability to write about bad stuff without seeming to focus on it and you record all the little wonderful things that others forget to write down and you throw in alot of happiness and joy too. Basically it is a real blog that doesn't hide reality if you kwim and thats a fine line to write about.

  6. I need these next 4 weeks to go slow bc I am not ready to go back to work let alone think about my big girl turning 3 and my husband turning 30 ha ha :)

    I am proud of lexi . . I was so scared to take the diapers off Alex at night but once I did it I never went back and she never had an accident at night :)

  7. Oh i did want to say I am sorry about your cat and I really hope when you got from the vet will work so you dont have to make that decision!

  8. Hugs to you and yours as you go through this period.
    party video

  9. YOu do have great blog friends! I am constantly amazed at all the wonderful women out there for for us- I am SO thankful for blogging, so i could meet so many of you.
    ANyway, I LOVE that you have such a positive attitude on your 30's as well! Go you!

  10. Aww I am sorry about your cat, praying it isn't cancer. Sending you big giant hugs, I hope you don't have to make any difficult decisions.

    And yay for Lexie! We are just now starting on that journey...hopefully will get it taken care of before #2 arrives!


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