Our Five Ring Circus: I Heart Faces-Bundled Up

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Heart Faces-Bundled Up

It's "Bundled Up" week on I Heart Faces!

I haven't participated in a while, but really love this theme. About a month ago, we got a ton of snow. The most our area has seen in 17 years! My kids were absolutely shocked by all the snow, and I had a great time snapping away. I had a really difficult time narrowing it down to one picture! I decided to go with the one of my 5 year old son, Dylan, wading through the snow. He just looks so happy and carefree, and the picture makes me smile!



  1. This is just so adorable, and love the sunglasses :)

    Great shot,

    Check out my blog if you get the chance at: www.thoseblissmoments.blogspot.com :)

    K x

  2. Is this the same one you posted after your snow storm? If so, I love it just as much as I did then! Great shot!

  3. Such a good picture of Dylan! And I still can't get over how deep that snow is...anything more than 3 or 4 inches is a ton to us!

  4. So cute! And the snow is so pretty.


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