Our Five Ring Circus: Not Me Monday

Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

Another Monday has arrived, and it's time for my free therapy session, courtesy of MckMama. I get to hide all the imperfect things that have happened over the past week, by saying, "NOT ME!"

The mom who flashed her bra to all the customers sitting on the MckDonald's patio? Not Me.

The mom who had her breast squeezed twice, in front of her in-laws, during dinner? Definitely Not Me.

The mom who had her swimsuit top pulled down multiple times? Not. Me.

The culprit in all of these incidents? Definitely not a certain golden haired toddler.

I did not continue to try to get a picture of my kids before Dylan's Pre-K Ice Cream Social, even though Lexie Bean was screaming.

I did not leave bags of new fall clothes in my kids rooms, for over a week. They are most definitely put away.

It wasn't me who was almost an hour late for a swimming playdate, because I spent too much time shopping.

I was not the frantic, frustrated, LATE mom dragging her kids across the parking lot, and back into the store restroom, because her son left a toy there, and only remembered after he and his sister were strapped into their carseats. The leave your toys in the car rule was not born on that day.

I did not leave my dad and kids in the hot car, and spend 25 minutes shopping in Carters, when I was only supposed to be making a quick stop. What can I say? The sales attracted me. I did not blame it on a REALLY long check out line.

I do not think Dylan's new frog cute, even if it grosses me out.

It's not me who is completely confused and wondering if we should start trying for a baby this fall or just wait until next fall. Decisions, decisions.....

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  1. Graham also brings out the exhibitionist in me too, involuntarily of course! LOL

  2. I can totally relate to all the Not Me's that include showing "the girls." Griffin always grabs me and pulls down my shirt and LAUGHS!

    I can also relate on the new baby ... we've been trying and now I am confused as to keep or take a break. My sis is getting married and baby would be due 5 days before ... agh! I think baby may win out though :)

  3. My son goes to a home daycare where she is still nursing her youngest. He is now infatuated with "boobies". He even told me proudly last night I could, "drink his boobies" after his bath. Oh, I hope this doesn't get worse when my daughter is born in Nov!! Oh and I totally vote for the toys in the car rule. i might have even just left it there if they were BOTH strapped in, as a lesson!! Oh, I'm a mean mommy!

  4. Making people wait in the car while you go shopping for 'a few minutes'...no, definitely not you. ;)

  5. LOL those are too funny! I think you need the "I Make Milk, What's Your Superpower" Tee! By the way my 4 year old is still infatuated with boobies, I don't think it will ever end!

  6. I love when toddlers cause flashing. Not! Sales distract me too.

  7. oh my, your children are beautiful! If only you lived closer so I could take their pictures...I mean it though, they have great features..love the blog too! Have a great week. :)

  8. I think your first few Not Me's about baring your chest for all to say also happened to me this weekend. And it definitely was not the fault of my little one either! LOL

  9. you are definitely kinder than I am - like Kameron I would have left the toy behind!!

    We are going through the same when to get pregnant discussion. I start a new job soon and we just don't want to wait too long, but also not too soon....so difficult to decide!! Happy NMM!!

  10. Oh I just love your post! Too funny!

  11. The old "the line was so long" excuse always works for me, too! Loved your post! Kathy

  12. This post made me soooo happy that I have made it through the summer without flashing! For 11 years I had a few instances a year I would flash... ops! Nursing babies and having toddlers around for too many years to remember...it's inevitable! My now 6 yo would grab at my swimsuit when she would get scared in the pool (ALL the time). I feel like I've graduated! My "girls" are more protected!

  13. ha ha! I have also blamed a little extra time on a trip out of the house BY MYSELF (rare) on long checkout lines...or traffic.... And I never, during one of my escapes, go to more than just my original destination...you know, to somewhere more fun... Never!


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