Our Five Ring Circus: A Girl and A Dress

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Girl and A Dress

I was recently looking for something in my memory chest, and came across a white pinafore that I wore as a child. It is the only piece of clothing I have from my childhood. I came up with the idea to take Lexie's 2 1/2 year pictures in my old dress. It was a big on her, but I just tied the straps back to make it fit!

So we hiked up the hill behind our house to take the pictures in a big field. For once, Lexie actually cooperated and gave me a few smiles!

For such a spontaneous session, I was really pleased with how they turned out! I love my sweet girl!

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  1. These are GREAT Shots!!! My favorite though and I smile everytime I look at it.. .is the 7th one down (I think). The one where she's holding the flower and smiling like she's daydreaming! SO CUTE!!!

  2. Wonderful shots of her! I love the one with her looking at her feet holding the flowers and the black and white is a classic.

  3. Awwwwww, so simplistic and sweet. I love them all!!! The toes, the flowers, the whisps of hair.

    TOO CUTE!!!! Great job, Mom!

  4. STUNNING pics. I SO love that it is your dress!

  5. oh my gosh i love the back of that dress so frilly and crossing like that! and i love the feet one too.

  6. Those turned out so great!!! I love the dress. :o)

  7. Oh my gosh, these pictures are adorable!


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