Our Five Ring Circus: When a mom is sick...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

When a mom is sick...

When did a fever, body aches, and head congestion ever stop a mom?

When a mom is sick, she still:

1. Pitches balls for her son to hit because he is obsessed with baseball, even though she can barely stand up.

2. Cooks for her family. Even if it's soup and macaroni and cheese, it still counts as cooking.

3. Bathes her kids and puts them to bed.

4. Goes grocery shopping, because the fridge is looking empty.

5. Crawls into a crib to comfort her feverish daughter to sleep. Gets heel caught on crib railing on the way out, and ends up in a standing split. (The moment where her daughter laced her fingers through hers and stared into her eyes is the moment that she'll remember forever.)

6. Plays 560,000 games of Memory. Or at least it seems that way. Even if she keeps picking the same two cards over and over and her 4 year old ends up with a towering stack of cards.

7. Plays Shrek Operation even if she can barely control the little tweezers, because she's so woozy.

8. Changes diapers, changes dirty clothes, wipes up messes........

9. Reads lots of books to her kids, even when the words blur together.

10. When the moment comes when she starts to feel a little bit better, she ends up doing the dishes piled up in the sink and cleaning the kids rooms, only to realize that she wasn't quite up to that challenge yet. And ends up with a migraine.

Or am I the only crazy mom?

On my behalf, I have been spending a lot of time on the couch. I even let the dishes pile up for two days and the groceries sit on the counter overnight. I managed to finish a fun book. But my world doesn't stop when I'm sick. Perhaps that's why I always end up getting sicker than my kids?

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  1. I hope you are feeling better. It is hard for mom's to stop when they are ill. I'm a single mom and thankfully don't get sick often, but hate when the occasional migraine would keep me down!

    Thanks for the congrats on my I heart faces win. I was shocked. I surely would have picked the dog and the baby!!! Princess is actually a dog from an animal rescue, and she is a lab/weimeraner mix. She looks much more labish now, with the really good lab qualities, and only some of the freakish weimeraner qualities. We just moved from FL to PA, and she is a little out of sorts right now, but slowly adjusting.

    I see you are from PA, what area? We are about 25 miles from Philly.

  2. The world doesn't stop when we're sick unfortunately! Great job on keeping up with the kiddos when you feel terrible!

  3. usually that is me too but i was just sick last week and i couldn't lift my head from the pillow. that has happened only about 3 times in 11 years and i awake the following day to a chaotic mess and wish i were still stick..lol


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