Our Five Ring Circus: Pretty Princesses

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pretty Princesses

On Saturday night, we all gathered to celebrate Charlie's 2nd Birthday!

Tracy encouraged the little girls to come dressed as princesses, which ended up being an adorable sight!  Luckily, it was a gorgeous evening, so we set the kids free in the back yard!

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There were a LOT of kids running around!  I think there were 14 total, but I admit, I lost count!

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The older girls dressed as princesses, too, but quickly shed their costumes for play clothes!

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The kids had a great time playing, but soon it got dark, so we made them come in for cake and presents!

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It was a fun party!  I have to say, it was the cutest group of toddler princesses ever!

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  1. So much prettiness all in one place!

  2. Lovely pictures :)

    Vintage Inspired Girls

  3. SO cute! They are the prettiest princesses around for sure.

  4. Oh my heavens... that is too precious! I'm definitely doing a princess party when Mia is older, and asking her friends to come dressed as princess's! Seriously, adorable!

  5. What fun dressing up at princesses!

  6. Adorable! look at those precious outfits on those girls!

  7. Thank you for coming! Charlie loves her Lily

  8. you got some great pictures!!!

    As always so great to see you

  9. Adorable! My daughter has an Aurora dress that she can't wait to wear to Disney. LOVE her cutting the grass in her princess gown!


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