Our Five Ring Circus: The Best Big Brother

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Best Big Brother

I have said it many times, but there is something very special about Dylan.  He is one of the most compassionate, caring, loving human beings I have ever met. 

He turned 27 months old on the day Lexie was born.  When he walked into the hospital room and ran to her and embraced her, I knew he was going to be a great big brother.  He loved Lexie fiercely from the moment she was born.  There was never a moment of jealousy, and he never hurt her.  Yes, they are at the age now where they bicker...a lot...but they still have a very strong bond.

Dylan has the same bond with Lily.  That doesn't surprise me.  He has always been very good with babies and toddlers, and loves to play with them and hold them!  Lily adores Dylan.  As soon as he wakes up in the morning, she cuddles up with him in front of the fireplace.  When he comes home from school, she races into his arms. 

Dylan gets so excited when his sisters get to come to his school.  He is so proud of them, and his teachers always tell me how much he talks about them!

Last Friday night, I was trying to put away laundry, and Lily was getting tired.  Dylan assured me that he would keep her occupied until I was finished.  He picked her up, put her on his lap, and just talked to her.  A few minutes later, I walked out to find her fast asleep in his arms, while he gazed down at her.  Luckily, my camera was sitting on a shelf next to me, so I grabbed it and captured the sweet moment.

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It was such an incredibly sweet moment between big brother and baby sister, and it captured just how much he loves her.  But those moments aren't rare.  He amazes me every single day with his ability to love others.

While he was holding her, he leaned down, whispered our bedtime prayer in her ear, and kissed her cheek.  Then he glanced up at me and grinned.  The pride and happiness in his eyes was amazing.  I pray that he never loses his love, his compassion, his kindness, and his happiness.  I pray that this harsh world doesn't hinder his spirit.

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The fact that he was able to rock his baby sister to sleep was the highlight of his week.  He may joke that he's going to jump off a cliff if this baby is another girl, but I have no doubt that he would love her just as much as he loves his sisters.    Lexie, Lily, and this baby are so blessed to have him in their lives. 

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This is exactly why I have no doubts about adding another child to our family.  Our kids are really good.  There is more than enough love to go around, and this baby is going to have amazing siblings!


  1. You are so right! What an amazing child! I'm glad you caught this on camera!

  2. I teared up reading this!

    I think it's tough raising boys to be a great balance between the gentler, compassionate type and the strong, non-wimpy type.

    I think we're both doing well at that balancing act.

    So glad y'all are in our lives and I,too, have witnessed that loving nature of your boy towards my own baby girl. :)

  3. So sweet! This is exactly how my boys are with Avery and Owen. Wonderful daddy in the makings. ;)

  4. So sweet that he whispered a bedtime prayer in her ear. I have been getting a little bit of a baby itch, too... :)

  5. Such a sweet brother! I feel the same with Elly. She just loves Emmy.

  6. This almost made me cry - that picture of Dylan gazing down at her so lovingly is the sweetest thing ever.

  7. This is a great post! What a very sweet big brother! You are a great mom and all that love you pour out each day is now being passed on through your children. So wonderful! I love the crochet hats in the previous post and the skirts are so cute! Hope you are well! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  8. What a nice lovely photos

  9. Just adorable! I hope Mackenzie is the same with her future little brother/sister. You have the best kids!

  10. Oh my lord this just made my heart melt a little. He really is a wonderful big brother and I hope Drew is JUST like him when we have another!

  11. Lily looks SO big! I can see and feel your heart just bursting through your words, what a sweet boy and a sweet, sweet moment!

    Thanks for your sweet comment Stefanie. I just needed to get my little drama-rama over with and let go of things (& people/blogs) in my life that I didn't have time for or that brought me down, you know what I mean? Life is too short and I want to hang on tight to those people I am inspired by and can learn from and forget about the rest. It sounds mean, but it's just life.

    And I agree, this next little one will be so, so loved!

  12. What a sweet big brother! I LOVE this post. There's no doubt that your kids are so loved and as a result, they show this to each other. I pray this harsh world never changes him either; there's a beauty in pure compassion and innocence.

  13. Ok so this made me cry! I pray that Liam is as excited and loves his baby sister as much as Dylan loves your girls!

  14. Sweetest post ever!! Love the whole thing. He really is a sweet and amazing boy!


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