Our Five Ring Circus: Bouncing Into A Birthday Weekend

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bouncing Into A Birthday Weekend

It was a busy day, that started with a field trip, and ended with the first of Lexie's birthday celebrations.

Okay, so really it ended with me racing around the house trying to get things prepared for her big party tomorrow. And, technically, it hasn't really ended yet. At least not for me. I'm going to stay up entirely too late.

Dylan had a field trip at BounceU today. He was supposed to have this field trip in January, but it was canceled, due to snow. BounceU is a big gym filled with inflatable slides, bounce houses, and games. He had so much fun, and the hour and a half field trip came to an end all too quickly for him. He did not want to quit playing!

I've only had my new camera for 2 days, and I'm spoiled. I took my old DSLR to the gym, and the picture quality just wasn't cutting it for me!

After the field trip was over, Dylan went to my parent's house, and visited with my dad, while my mom, Lexie, and I went shopping for party supplies.

Two of my sisters, and my nephews came over tonight, to celebrate Lexie's birthday. They both have to work tomorrow, and wanted to see Lexie open her presents.

The Strawberry Shortcake doll and the Polly Pocket Roller Coaster Resort are two things that she has been asking for since Christmas, so she was really excited!

Currently, Strawberry Shortcake is in Lexie's arms, as she sleeps. Dylan got a cowboy set recently, and loves putting all the gear on. He likes to tell people that he's "the new sheriff in town."

The Polly Pocket roller coaster was a bit hit with Lexie...and all the boys. They played with that toy for an hour. My sister even joined in. I think she wanted to play with the toy more than anybody else!

After everybody left, the kids got a quick bath, complete with a giant icicle from our porch.

After they were in bed, my cleaning frenzy began!

I'm beginning to think that I should be in bed, too! The next three days are going to be busy!


  1. i have heard of that bouce u place.

    sofia wants that strawberry shortcake doll too

  2. My boys love those places...and it wears them out great:) Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead!

  3. We had a birthday party today too! Today is Bucket's real birthday, when is Lexi's? Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!

  4. Cute blog!! Found you from Sara Domestically Challenged. :)

    My Elly had her party at a Bounce U place...so fun!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh, look at that icicle!! I would love to take the boys to BounceU, but the one near us (an hour away) only has parties on the weekends and free time during the week, which doesn't work for us.

    I hope you got everything done for Lexie's party!

  6. I cannot get over how long Lexie's hair is. What a wonderful family you have Stef. I love reading your blog and catching up this way. Thank you for all of your support, kind words and encouragement!

  7. Alex would love that big big ice pop as she calls them! Hope Lexi has a great birthday!! Can't wait to see pictures of her party! GET SOME SLEEP!

  8. Dylan having blast isn't he. Where is that located? I would love to take Alaina there maybe when she gets older. Lexi seems to love her gifts also:) I have the Tinker Bell one put away for Easter. Also, Love the icecicle idea. Very creative :)


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