Our Five Ring Circus: Remember Bob?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Remember Bob?

Dylan found Bob Frog 6 weeks ago, today. Bob has defied all expectations, and is actually thriving in his little home!

Dylan holds him and talks to him several times a day. Lexie is not allowed to hold him, but she can touch his head. It's so strange, but I think Bob trusts Dylan. Dylan likes to put Bob on his hand, and let Bob walk up his arm to perch on his shoulder. As soon as Dylan gets home from school, he runs to Bob and tells him about his day.

Dylan loves Bob so much! And if I'm going to be honest, I'm rather fond of Bob, too. I'm hoping that Bob lives a long, happy life in our home.

There's nothing like a boy and his frog!


  1. That is so cute! It reminds me of Elijah and his turtles! I guess you and I lucked out with reptile/amphibian lovers!

  2. So very sweet! Glad Bob is thriving and happy!

  3. How fun! Boys and their little nature friends. Too cute!

  4. Ha!!! I was thinking the same thing as Candice! Bob Dylan. That's hilarious. And what cute pictures.

    We almost got a turtle the other day...it was crossing the road. I turned around to go back and get him and he had just been run over. We were so sad. :(

  5. at least you found pets can be held and loved...we keep getting caterpillars and crickets, they only last a few weeks before they die. *sigh* wish we had a frog...have a great day!

  6. So sweet! I'm glad Bob is loving his new home!

  7. I am glad he is living and that Dylan loves the frog. The two boys I watch always catch animals and they end up dieing. I get so upset I end up setting the animals free when they are not looking ha ha!


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