Our Five Ring Circus: Trendy Tot Tuesday

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trendy Tot Tuesday

I am linking up with Megan, Kelly, and Lindsay for Trendy Tot Tuesday! 


After a deliciously warm day on Sunday, we are back to the chilly weather.  Luckily, only a few more weeks are left to wear boots and puffy vests!


Flower Clip (on skinny band):  Girls Crochet Headbands
Long-Sleeved Tee:  Circo (Target)
Hooded Vest: Cradle Togs
Denim mini:  The Children's Place
Tights:  TJ Maxx
Boots:  Cherokee (Target)


Lexie is very eager for Spring. It was in the 50's yesterday, so she insisted on wearing her new tutu dress!


Bow:  Walmart (They have a bunch of large bows for $1 each)
Tutu Dress: BeauTees (Costco)
Rhinestone leggings:  Jumping Beans (Kohl's)


This little man picks his clothes every day. This mama is happy because he finally got his Beatles hair chopped off!


Shirt:  Urban Pipeline (Kohl's)
Jeans:  Old Navy


We only have one outfit for the baby so far, courtesy of Girls Crochet Headbands!   This little one is due at the start of football season, so this outfit will be perfect!  If it's a girl, we can add the Steelers flower clip to the hat!



  1. They all look adorable, but that first outfit is especially awesome! :-) Love his new haircut too!

  2. You have the trendiest tots EVER - puts my kids to shame. You even have an outfit for BABY!!! squeeee

  3. What adorable tots you have!!! I am loving the headband and puffy vest combo.

  4. Lily loves standing on the table huh lol

    Love all their clothes as usual!

  5. OMG, that entire first outfit is adorable, and I love the football! I can't wait to see those newborn pics! :o)

  6. OMG, that entire first outfit is adorable! And I love the baby football outfit! Those will be some awesome newborn pics that I can't wait to see!

  7. Too cute!
    Dylan looks so cute with his new hair cut!

  8. You dress them so darn cute!!!! Of course, being cute to begin with helps. ;)

  9. I love how they pose for pictures!!! They are all so cute!

  10. I am loving the tights, puffer vests, & boots!!

  11. They are all so beautiful! I am loving the football getup, so stinking cute!

  12. Cute kiddos, cute clothes, and HURRAY for fellow Steelers fans. :)

  13. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop :) You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more.

    You can find me at meandmr.com

    -Melanie @meandmr.com

  14. OMG! Love their dresses and clothes! They are so cute!

  15. Always the best dressed!! Loving the tutu dress in one of my favorite colors! Also that window makes a great background!


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