Our Five Ring Circus: Happy Birthday, Grant!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Grant!

Today was Grant's Birthday!


Dylan, Lexie, and Lily were so excited to celebrate their Daddy's Birthday!  Dylan and Lexie made cards for him, then wrapped up a few treasures they found in their rooms for him.  It melts my heart when they do that.  Each item is so carefully and lovingly chosen, and given with so much pride!  Those gifts may not seem like much, but it is to them, so those gifts are treasured!

He got an early birthday present from us a few months ago...a new grill! We still gave him some new cologne to open today!

Birthdays aren't too exciting once you reach a certain age.  I think the kids get more excited about our birthdays than we do!

It was a low key day.  Before heading out to dinner, Grant's mom stopped by with a cake!


My parents watched the kids while we went to Red Lobster for dinner.  It's his favorite restaurant. It was nice to get out and enjoy an uninterrupted meal!

The last time we were at Red Lobster was for his birthday last year.  I was ready to pop!  We hoped Lily would share his birthday.  No such luck, but she did it in her own way.  Grant's birthday is 7/24.  She came 10 days later, at 7:24 AM.  Close enough!

Shortly after we met and got engaged, Grant celebrated his 20th Birthday. We've come a long way since then! 


Happy Birthday, Grant!  We love you!


  1. What a sweet family! Happy Birthday Grant!

  2. Awe, Happy Birthday Grant!!! You guys have such a beautiful family!!!

    Homemade gifts from the kids are what I treasure the most!!

  3. Happy birthday to your one and only! :)

  4. Happy Birthday! Glad you got a nice dinner out :)

  5. Cute family picture. Happy birthday to Grant.

  6. Oh my goodness, I love that they wrapped up things they found around the house!! Sigh, I cannot wait until my kids are big enough to do cute little things like that :)

  7. So nice! Happy Birthday Grant! So glad you got a night out just the two of you.

  8. 3 kids later, I'd say you've come a long way! Happy Birthday to your handsome husband.

  9. I hope he had a wonderful birthday!

  10. Happy belated Birthday to Grant! I love that the kiddos wrapped up their own little gifts, sooo sweet!!


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