Our Five Ring Circus: A Day of A Million Things

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Day of A Million Things

I just had one of those non-stop days. I was in constant motion from the moment I woke up until, well, now. It seems like my days just keep getting busier, while the hours I sleep each night decrease. I'm one exhausted mama tonight.

I try to take as much time as I can everyday to step back from the to do list and savor moments like these:


The days are passing by in a blur. Today was no exception. The busy days are still good, because I get to spend them with my loved ones, and that's the best thing about life. To love and be loved.

I spent the entire morning running errands while Dylan was at school. Lexie was a trooper through it all. She and I Gleeked out to the Glee soundtrack, which made all the driving a bit more bearable. I love my girl-she's my little sidekick!

We picked Dylan up from school, and I treated the kids to some time at the park. Dylan and I practiced some of his T-ball skills, and then we had to go home for lunch.

After lunch, it was off to the vet. My sick cat is back to normal!


While Lexie was napping, Grant came home from work, so I managed to sneak in a quick, 2 mile run. It gave me a boost of energy, so I could take my kids to my nephew's birthday party.

Jackson turned 5 today! We celebrated with a party at Fun Fore All!


It was such a strange day for a party, but a good idea, because the place wasn't crowded, like it would be on a weekend. All of the kids had a great time! We didn't make it home until 8:30, so my kids were exhausted.

After they were in bed, I managed to fill out Dylan's Kindergarten paperwork. Can I just say that the amount of forms that I had to fill out was insane? Some of the information I had to provide was ridiculous! I'm so glad I got that done!

It was so nice to finally sit down tonight. I'm going to try to kick this insomnia in the rear, and get some sleep!

I'm ready for a break! Just a short one. Even though my days are jam-packed, I feel blessed. I figure that I'll get my break in about 15 years. Then, I'll be wishing that my house was full and loud again, and that my days were as busy as they once were!


  1. I say that to myself everytime I'm overwhelmed...this too shall past and then I'll want it back.

    I remember filling out the kindergarten papers and gathering all the info. INSANE! Then being questioned by the school because El was born in California not Ohio where she goes to school...trust me Mr. Principle I didn't want to move here. HAHAH!

    Hope you got some rest!

  2. It definitely sounds like you had a long but fullfilling day with your kiddos.
    I thought preschool paper work was a lot...guess I will have to wait a couple of years for the kindergarten ones. good luck and hope you get some rest!

  3. That dress that Lexie was wearing in the first two pictures is absolutely adorable.

    There definitely is a lot of paperwork for Kindergarten. And after Buddy actually started, there was even more.

  4. Well at least you made the most of it. Lexi looks adorable in the blue and green dress. Dylan handsome as always to.

  5. you are always on the go!!! I love all the pitures you take and how Lexi is always in a dress!

  6. girl I don't know how you do it!
    always on the go and STILL have time to run!! it's official---I suck :)
    love the dress Lexie is sporting in the first pic!! always the fashionista :)

  7. Hope things slow down soon! Although I must say personally I think I thrive on the busyness and running around. Your cat is so cute! Glad it is doing better.

  8. I hear you on this one! I feel the same. It will be less busy someday, and we will miss it. Oh, and great pics!
    the insomnia thing? I am there right now too. Blech.

  9. Looks like the kids were having a blast - throughout the busy schedule!

    And I am just going to bawl my eyes out when Itty Bit is old enough for school!

    (Homeschooling anyone??? :)

    Sorry - but the word verification just made me snort: beleeba.

    I'm not even sure why it's funny, it just is!

  10. Yay for sick kitties getting better!!


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