Our Five Ring Circus: I Heart Faces-My friend & I

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Heart Faces-My friend & I

This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is My Friend & I.

I decided to do a slightly different take on friendship. This photo just kept drawing me back. Lexie absolutely adores our horse, and he has come to love her every bit as much. When we arrive at the stable, her voice alone brings him up to the pasture gate. He no longer greets me first. He heads straight to Lexie and nuzzles her head. In return, she reaches up to grab his face and bring it down to her level so she can give him a "mooch." The bond between my 25 pound two year old and my 800+ pound horse is just amazing. The love between the two of them at every greeting is evident and brings tears to my eyes. He is just so gentle with her and loves her every bit as much as she loves him. This is friendship at it's finest.

Here is my photo for the Kids category:

I wrote a post about their friendship in the past, and have Part Two coming in the not too distant future.

Head on over to I Heart Faces to see the other amazing entries this week!


  1. I love that her friend is a horse. What a sweet picture!

  2. That is great! I did sort of the same take on friendship this week as well... my niece and neighbors dog. ;)

  3. Ohhh I love this photo, that is just the sweetest thing!

  4. What a sweet picture! Lexie's hair looks like it's getting really thick!

  5. kylee, i was gonna say the same thing.. plus it looks brown too! what happened to her blonde hair? how adorable she is.

  6. thanks for stopping by. Yours is great. I love the bond kids have with animals.

  7. You would think she would be terrified by something so huge, but she looks totally at ease. Shows the complete trust she has in her horse friend.

  8. Oh that is too cute!

  9. What a sweet picture! So cute! Great job!

  10. I love your take on the theme for I Heart Faces this week. How many young kinds have an animal for a best friend in an animal? TONS! Anyway, it was a great picture and a great entry for this week.

  11. Obviously she grew up around horses, not to be scared of that huge animal. But what a wonderful picture! If a horse can look gentle, this one surely does.

  12. Precious! Animals make some of the best friends out there!


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