Our Five Ring Circus: A Stormy Saturday

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Stormy Saturday

Our day got off to a lazy start. The kids sat around in their pajamas (or underwear, in Dylan's case) all morning, and played with the long-forgotten GeoTrax. Of course, that led to Dylan wanting to watch The Polar Express...on one of the hottest days of the year.

Grant spent part of the day helping some good friends move to their new house. I was going to help, but we decided I should just stay home with the kids so we didn't get in the way. I am so happy for them, and can't wait to see it!

Grant was only home for a few minutes before heading back out for the evening, so we were on our own. It looked like it was going to rain, but we decided to go to our favorite park. We haven't been to that one since school ended!

It was so hot and humid, but the kids had a good time!


Dylan and Lexie get along so well, but it amazes me how they can go from this...


...to this, within a few seconds!


The moment the kids heard the boom of thunder, they ran straight to the car. We made it home just as the rain came pouring down! We ventured back out into the rain to have dinner at my sister's house.

We always have a great time there. We have a great way of keeping the kids occupied (I'm so just kidding-they just love playing in the dog crate!):


The kids had fun playing with their cousins, Lexie had fun getting into my sister's lipstick, and I had fun talking to my sister and brother-in-law.


We came home late, so I put the kids right to bed. I spent the evening chatting with a very sweet friend, and am so thankful that I got to do so!

I'm off to bed...it's going to be a busy Father's Day tomorrow! Now, if only this ear would unclog so I could hear! It's driving me crazy!


  1. It sounds like you guys had the perfect Saturday! The dog crate made me laugh! lol. My bf took a friends dog crate back to them tonight and told them it was their new playpen for their expecting baby! Charli is always playing in makeup and dressing up, I'm sure Lexie's will be wanting to wear it all of the time now!

  2. Wow, they have both grown up! I love Lexie's dress!!

  3. I am always surprised when my kids stop fighting and start playing nice together! :)

  4. My kids like to play in the crates too! Why is that?

  5. Perfect Saturday! I love PJ mornings! We had one on Saturday too, and the boys were in their jammies until 2 p.m.! Now? Why didn't I think of caging my guys....!

  6. I wish Elly was younger then Lexie so I could bribe you with something (HA!) for her hand me downs. =)

  7. There is a fine line between getting along and chaos. Oh how I can't wait to get to that stage! :o)

  8. love all the photos! and i am loving all Lexie's dresses! such a girly! :)


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