Our Five Ring Circus: 30 Weeks with Baby #4

Friday, June 28, 2013

30 Weeks with Baby #4

 I finally reached 30 weeks!  This pregnancy is flying by!  This is the week that I went into preterm labor with Dylan, and at 31 weeks with Lexie and Lily, I ended up in the hospital with contractions.  Maybe this one will behave?!?

How far along: 30 Weeks!!!

Due Date:  September 6, 2013

Total Weight Gained:
  I finally gained back the weight I lost!

How big is baby?  Our sweet pea
about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3 pounds!

How baby is growing:  Baby #4's 
eyesight continues to develop.   {from babycenter.com}

Maternity Clothes: I'm still wearing my regular pants, but I did invest in a few longer, non-maternity shirts. 

Stretch Marks: None! I've never had one before, so I'm hoping that trend continues!

Sleep: Sleep?  What sleep?!?

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week:
Watching the baby shift around in my belly.  Pretty much the only thing I love about pregnancy!

Movement:  Baby #4 is a crazy mover.  He/She is strong and very active!

Food Cravings:  None.
Food Aversions:
Almost everything.

Morning Sickness:
I still have hyperemesis, and I'm taking daily medication for it.  I'm at the point where I'm used to being sick everyday.  I have been throwing up a lot more often in the mornings again. And by the way?  Morning sickness is a joke.  It's ALL DAY AND NIGHT sickness!

Gender: It's a surprise! We have never found out the gender of our babies!

Names: If it's a girl, she has a definite first name (it was actually our 2nd girl name for our 3 previous pregnancies), but we're still deciding on the middle name.  It's the opposite for a boy.  The middle name will be Dayne, after Grant's dad's middle name (he passed away in October, before we got pregnant), but we don't have a first name.  We have a list, but we can't agree on the name, and nothing sounds perfect!

Symptoms:  Hyperemesis  (ALL DAY morning sickness), Braxton Hicks contractions (irritable uterus), back pain, pressure, abdominal pain, anemia, peeing more frequently, headaches, mood swings, and irritability

ExerciseTreadmill workouts 4 days this week.

What I miss: Feeling normal.  I have been sick since January 3rd! I'm going to be thrilled to be nausea-free!

What I'm looking forward to:
My appointment on Tuesday!  It's always a relief to hear the heartbeat and have the doctor reassure me that the baby is growing!

30 Week Picture:

 photo 059-11.jpg


  1. You look great! I can't believe you are 30 weeks already! I can't wait to hear the names!

  2. You look great mama! So close to the end! Your pregnancy has flown by! Can't wait for pictures!

  3. this is so exciting! and you are looking fabulous. i hope you have an amazing rest of your pregnancy. :)


  4. As always, you look fantastic! I don't know how you're surviving with all of those symptoms. Keep up the good work mama, and baby #4 better behave!

  5. You look beautiful! I really hope the sickness eases up on you, but you seem to be in good spirits, you're a trooper for sure!

  6. So exciting how close you are to delivery!!
    You look amazing!

  7. LOVE your dress! Seriously you look amazing. You are getting closer!!

  8. I can't believe you are 30 weeks already. So glad you gained some weight back. Hope that baby stays cozy and you have no preterm labor!


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