Our Five Ring Circus: From (No) Hair To There

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

From (No) Hair To There

When Lexie was born, I was overjoyed that I had a little girl! 

She entered the world with a head full of golden fuzz...which quickly fell out!  It took forever for that hair to grow back in.  In fact, on her first birthday, I had to duct tape a bow to the wisps of hair on top of her head.  But...she was the most beautiful "bald" baby!

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By the time she was 2, she had enough hair for 2 little pigtails.  And after that?  Her hair grew and grew and grew.  It grew so quickly that she needed a haircut every few months.

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I adored her long, wavy hair.  At the beginning of this school year, she begged for a short cut.  I promised her that if she still wanted short hair at the end of the school year, she could get it cut.  Sure enough, she reminded me of that promise last Wednesday.

So, I fulfilled my promise to her.  I loaded the girls into the car, and drove Lexie to the salon. She was so excited, but I admit, I let out an audible gasp as the hair stylist pulled her hair into a ponytail and snipped the entire thing off!

The result was shocking, because it was so different, but she sure looked cute!  Lexie absolutely loved it!

I loved that long hair so much, probably because I waited so long for her to grow some hair!  But she is rocking her new short 'do!

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  1. Love her short hair style! I am growing Autumn's hair out for now, but sometimes I wonder what she'd look like with a cute shorter style like that!

  2. Aw, she is too adorable! This gives me hope that Waverly Maye will grow some hair soon! :)

  3. I really like the cute little cut. It's super, super cute on her!

  4. She is so cute!! I agree with you on the long locks but she does a good job rocking the short cut too!

  5. She looks adorable... and more grown up too :)

  6. She is such a beautiful child!!!

  7. She's so cute! My 5 year old daughter was bald until she was a year old and her hair has been growing VERY slowly since then. As of now, it's just to her shoulders. Here baby sister, who was born with a ton of hair, is going to catch up pretty soon!

  8. Love it!!! She definitely is rocking that short hair.

  9. The hair cut is adorable! I want to cut Mackenzie's hair just because she never wants it up and it's constantly getting tangles. But Erin refuses.

  10. Awww! Different but lovely indeed!

  11. Oh I know how you feel! Riley wanted short hair and I promised her if she would wait until after my sister's wedding in December she could do it. Just like Lexie she made sure to remind me right away. It hurt to watch the lady cut it off but more so because Riley's hair grows so painfully slow!!!! I think Lexie looks absolutely as darling as ever.

  12. Hard to let it go - she looks so grown up! It's adorable but I like it either way! Will definitely be good for summer though!


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