Our Five Ring Circus: Tuesday Tidbits

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday Tidbits

It's been a while since I last did a Tuesday Tidbits post! Tuesday Tidbits is my way of remembering all the cute and funny things my kids say and do.

*One night, Dylan and I were cuddling. He said to me, "Mommy, do you remember when you used to put cups of chocolate milk in the fridge for me? I liked those old days."

*Lexie was coloring, and asked me, "Mommy, do you like dark red or easy red?"

*Lexie got mad at Dylan, and told him, "Dyl, you have some mean voices and I not buying you a toy!"

*I pulled out a jar of Nutella, and Lexie told me, "I just want to take a dip in it!" (That would translate to "I just want to dip my finger in it.")

*The kids don't understand the concept of waiting for the baby to be born. Today, they put their mouths against my stomach, and shouted, "Come out, Nugget, come out!!!"

*Not exactly cute, but definitely pitiful. A shiner, courtesy of a sibling spat:


*Dylan loves his big dog! They grew up together!


A tidbit for me? I finally caved in and got a smartphone. Actually, Grant surprised me with it. Yet another addiction in the making! At least I'll be able to use it to announce our big news soon!


  1. I love the quote from Dylan about chocolate milk. Too cute!

  2. I have an iPhone and absolutely love it!! Yay for such a great gift :). I love the things my daughter says and I wish I could remember them all. She does so many hilarious things that it really is a shame I can't record them all.

  3. So funny to hear little kids say "remember when" and "old days".

    It happens all the time in our household, and I'm actually scared of how good the kid's memory, ha!

    Poor girlie with the shiner!

  4. Tuesday Tidbits are my favorite - your kids always make me smile :) I like to take a dip in my Nutella too, Lexie!

  5. How funny about the chocolate milk...I still do that for Eli:) And I'm with Lexie, I would love to take a dip in some Nutella right now!

  6. Yay for smart phones!!

    I love that Lexie wants to take a dip in the Nutella. I mean, who wants just a finger dip when you could literally "dip" in it?? LOL

  7. I can understand the urge to go dipping in Nutella.

  8. So cute! I think I would like to take a dip in Nutella too. My 1-year-old had a black eye last week courtesy of a remote control incident with my 3-year-old.

  9. The easy red phrase made me giggle!

    The dog is nearly as big as he is!!!

  10. Love the qoute and PRECIOUS pictures!

  11. Lol, their little quotes always crack me up! Poor Lexie with her shiner!

  12. What a great idea - Tuesday Tidbits! I'm new to blogging and this gives me inspiration!

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to come check out my blog:


  13. those quotes are HILARIOUS!!

    the chocolate milk was TOO funny!!!

  14. Yay for tuesday tidbits! It's one of my favorite post themes.

  15. Haha! The chocolate milk comment is definitely the best. So funny.

    I turned my phone off a few months back but I was just telling my husband I want to turn it back on. It does get so addicting!

  16. Poor Lexie.. I am sure your household sounds exactly like mine.

  17. What a great idea! I've been recording the kids (on my smart phone) saying their cute little sayings but I think I need to blog them too. The latest is how they pronounce sushi. They call it shoo-she and it sounds so cute. Your daughter is adorable even with a shiner!

    Re: smartphone - I can't believe you held out so long.

  18. i need to start documenting the cute things my kiddos say. i sooo want an iphone. im due for an upgrade but am trying to be good and not buy one quite yet. although my old phone might just "happen" to fall in the toilet one of these days :)

  19. Awchie on that face of Lexie :( but still a cutie though!

  20. They are so old and wise those boys! Mine says the same kind of things. It always cracks me up.


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