Our Five Ring Circus: A Step in the Right Direction

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

Lexie was thisclose to needing to see a food therapist. At her 3 year checkup, the pediatrician issued an ultimatum: She must show some improvement by her 4th birthday, or begin food therapy.

Lexie's food issues began around 13-14 months. She was a wonderful eater up until that point, so I'm not quite sure what went wrong. Her issues got worse as she got older, and it got to the point where she had (and still has) multiple deficiencies from not eating well. She was diagnosed with a pediatric feeding disorder.

As you can imagine, her eating issues have been a huge source of stress and worry for me. Her 4th Birthday is next month, and I was certain that food therapy was in her future.

On Tuesday night, after almost 3 years of trying to get her to eat (and I mean, we tried EVERYTHING), we had a huge breakthrough! Dylan asks her every day if she wants to try something that he's eating, and she refuses. As usual, he asked her at dinner if she would like to try something: a piece of popcorn shrimp. Instead of her typical denial, she actually said yes. We all watched in surprise as she took a bite, then polished off the entire thing. We were shocked when she asked for more!

We were thrilled with this giant step, but I was convinced it was a one-time deal.

Today, I was making spaghetti-O's for Dylan's lunch. Lexie came into the kitchen, pointed to the can, and said that she wanted some. I gave her a bowl, and was shocked when she polished it off! This was the first time that she has ever had tomato sauce!

While I'm not expecting a miracle, I am pleased with the turn of events. This might seem small to most, but for parents of a child who has barely eaten anything in 3 years, this is a BIG deal!

Daddy brought her home a little stuffed kitty and conversation heart candy to reward her for being such a big girl!!!



  1. That's great news Stef! Congrats!

  2. I had no idea. I can't even imagine the amount of worry that must cause for you all. I will say a prayer that she continues this eating trend!

  3. Pretty much the opposite of Graham. I cannot believe how much he eats! For dinner he had a slice of dinner ham, a pile of green beans, a piece of jellied toast, a banana, a clementine, and some kix. No wonder he's growing so much!!

    Anyway, great job Lexie!!

  4. Oh I am hopeful this is a break through.

  5. Great!!! I know how this has been an issue for you, so I am so glad to hear this!

  6. That must be a huge relief. My kids have zero problems eating as you can tell by my chubbette of a baby, but I have seen my friends struggle with their kids eating. Hopefully this is an upward trend for Lexie!

  7. Oh Yay! Kiddos and their picky eating huh? My 20month old is SOOO picky, I'm worried we'll be at that point with him as he grows older. Hope she keeps trying new things!!! Good job big brother on helping her try the shrimp :)

  8. We have the same problem with our daughter. She doesn't eat very well at all and she's barely 29 pounds. She's almost 3 1/2 now. We've tried everything as well and your right, it is frusterating. I feel horrible, but she loves to eat fruit and salad. she will occasionally eat some chicken, but nothing to brag about. I hope yours gets better and that's a great sign.

  9. Way to go Lexie! You don't need that stress mama! Good luck with continued improvement!

  10. Way to go Lexie!! Praying she continues to try new things! Great news, Stef...start making extra servings of everything just in case she wants to try! :)

  11. The comment from yesterday from (lea liz) is from me. I was editing her blog and forgot to sign out :)

  12. Awesome news! I hope she continues with her food exploration and that you can avoid the food therapist.

  13. Thats great.

    while I don't often talk about it my kids all have food issues too. Mary was the worst and she weighed only 23 pounds at just turning 4. She started eating a lot once she got to 1st grade and now she loves all food even strange food.

    My boys are opposite. they all started out great eaters and now they will eat nothing and have many issues.

    I understand, it is a big deal! Good for her.

  14. That's so awesome! And definitely must be a relief. :)

  15. Oh, good for Lexie! My little guy is a bit of a picky eater and is kind of skinny, and I am so unsettled until he eats a good meal. I can't imagine how stressful that must feel! And spagettios was an excellent choice - what's not to like :)

  16. congrats girl and way to go Lexie!!! for sure its the start! my little one whose almost at the same age with her (will turn 4 on July) doesnt want to eat too before just milk til she reached 3, i think. and now we couldnt stop her to eat, tho she is still not eating rice. I know Lex will be like that too :)

  17. Alaina's gram got the girls the same kitty with the candy hearts and you know what else is funny? Her name is Kathy and your mother in law's name is Kathy and they both work at Rite Aid lol! Small world :)

  18. Wow way to go! We're going through the same thing with Laney. Ever since she was about 10 months old I can count the things she eats on 2 hands. We constantly try to get her to try new things but she wont. I just hope that she keep it up!!

  19. Congrats on the break through, it is huge :) Tell our little Lexie that we are proud of her. Can't wait till we hear more food she is willing to eat!

  20. hopefully this is the start of a pattern. I can imagine it has been a huge source of stress. As someone who puts tomato sauce on just about everything, I can't imagine she hasn't liked it up 'til now. I bet she'll be hooked :D

  21. That is really awesome news! Yay for Lexi! Now, when you say eating issues, is she picky or just doesn't like food? Just curious, =)

  22. Yay I'm so glad she's eating! My daughter is 14 months and starting to refuse so many foods , it's stressing me out. She is already underweight and hasn't gained any weight in 3 months.

  23. That is so great! Fingers crossed that she keeps it up! Reminds me of Bread and Jam for Frances. One of my faves. Dylan is so sweet to always keep asking her if she wants to try something!


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