Our Five Ring Circus: The Daily Dose of Dylan and Lexie

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Daily Dose of Dylan and Lexie

Last year, one of my goals was to take at least one picture of each of my kids every day, and to learn the bells and whistles on the, ahem, $1300 camera that I upgraded to.

Sadly, I failed. While I did take a lot of pictures, and read the camera manual, days would often go by before I even touched my camera. This year, I'm going to try harder! I won't be posting every picture I take, but I'm doing it for my own benefit. I'm also going to really attempt to shoot in manual most of the time.

Here's hoping I stick to my plan!


We're back to the daily grind. Dylan was more than happy to return to school yesterday, and we're getting back into the swing of things. I dusted off my treadmill, after a one month break, and started off with a 2 mile run. It completely got my mind off of the nausea! While I'm only allowed to work out a few days a week, and have to limit my miles, it felt good! Now, my "overactive" uterus just has to cooperate. As soon as it starts throwing fits, my running is over, and I'll be really sad!

I took the kids in for their second dose of the flu mist today, and my dad tagged along. I think I'm going to drag him to every appointment! I had to hold Lexie down to get it done last month, and this time, my dad held her, and she completely cooperated! What?!?

I love spending afternoons with my baby girl. I'm so glad I get this time with her before she goes off to school in the fall. I had my alone time with Dylan, and I'm blessed to get some time with her as well. She is a mommy's girl!

And seriously, how could you not be happy around this?


Dylan absolutely loves Kindergarten. Every day, he comes home and tells me that he had a great day! He's so cheerful when he gets home! Lexie is usually still napping so I get a few quiet minutes with him, before things get chaotic.


The holidays were a lot of fun, but I am relieved to return to reality. It's usually a hard transition, but this year it wasn't!


  1. I hope you have better luck with your camera resolution than I ever do! I really want to learn more about mine and then I'm derailed by a good book or something else more one-sided.

  2. Adorable! I also have a hard time transitioning from holiday to real life. But not so much this year!

  3. I've had my camera for 2 yrs and I'm still terrible!! haha

  4. I really need to just try and take lots more candid photos and bring my camera with every where we go... need to take more photos.. we can do it!!!

  5. I'm right there with ya on the photos. It's really sad that I take photos for other people, but rarely take any of my own kids. I have been trying really hard to change that lately...even if it's just with my regular ol' point and shoot camera.

  6. Adorable! I got a new camera too for Christmas and ummm yep only used it on Christmas. HA!

  7. Cute pics! I hit the walking track yesterday, but today the rain is ruining my New Year's resolution!!

  8. I'm always thankful to return to reality too. As much as I don't want to be at work, I love routine.

  9. I got a DSLR for Christmas last year and still haven't taken the time to figure it out either! I think I need to take a class and get it in one shot. I am much better at taking instruction that reading something.

  10. Good luck with taking daily pictures! I thought about trying out the Project 365, but I figure I take enough pictures & I have my hands full at the moment! I don't need added pressure! LOL!

    Isn't that crazy when your kids behave for other people?!

  11. its hard to take a pic a day. i failed in that too.

  12. cute pics :) SO great that he loves school so much! And that you guys are settling back into the routine!

  13. That's so cute!

    - http://inarollbacke.blogspot.com/


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