Our Five Ring Circus: A Mom-Date

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Mom-Date

It's not often that my best friend, Jocie, and I get to do something alone. We see each other frequently, but always have 4 kids in tow! I can't even remember the last time we did something alone.

This morning, Jocie and I headed to a movie. We both had babysitters for our kids, and we were very eager to see Eclipse.

I'm so happy that I got to spend time with my best friend, and, well, get my Edward fix. I love our weekly playdates with Jocie and her boys, but today was much needed. We definitely need to do it again!

This evening, we celebrated my nephew's 5th Birthday. Brandon turned 5 yesterday, so we had dinner and cupcakes tonight, in honor of him!



Lex Miserables skipped her nap today, and was rather unhappy. Once we got home, she crashed quickly.


It was a good day!

A good day, indeed.


  1. I haven't been able to see Eclipse yet! I'm just dying over it. So embarrassed to admit that, but it's true, lol. Maybe next weekend. *fingers crossed*

  2. Happy Birthday Brandon!
    So glad you got your Eclipse fix! What did ya think?

  3. Mmmmm. Love the Edward pic! And I loved the movie {not quite what I expected but we'll go with it!!}. Glad you got your much needed mommy break!

  4. After your horrid day before, you needed that! I haven't seen it yet, my husband said if I wait for the annoying teenagers to get over it, he'll go with me!!! I was supposed to go opening night but got muddled w/ the dates and we were driving home from CO when it actually opened! ARG!

  5. I wuv Edward!! =) Glad you got a chance to go see it!! WOO HOO! Happy Birthday Brandon!

  6. I lost all thoughts after seeing my Edward...sigh...

  7. Sounds like a great, much needed and well deserved outing!!! I can't wait until I can go see Eclipse. I think my 13 yr old, who thinks he is too cool to see it, might have to babysit for me so I can go!!! Team Edward!!! Ha!

  8. awww glad you have some time off with your best bud! hubby and I together with our friends saw Eclipse too! We love it! Lots of laugh trip moments heheh between Edward and Jacob. But I am still for Edward. How about you?


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