Our Five Ring Circus: Looking Forward To...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Looking Forward To...


In just a little over 2 weeks, we are going on vacation! I am really looking forward to getting away.

Every August, Grant, his family, and I would spend a week in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, at Grant's uncle's house. We haven't been there in 3 years, and I miss it! Our vacation plans fell through last summer, and the year before we went somewhere else.

I'm really looking forward to spending time in Grosse Pointe. Uncle Scott's neighborhood is gorgeous, and he lives very close to the lake. He belongs to a private lake-front park, with a beach, pool, splash park, playground, boat dock, and picnic areas. We are going to have so much fun!

I'm going for a walk down memory lane...

Dylan and Grant on the dock in 2006. Dylan was 20 months old, and I was newly pregnant with Lexie. I spent lots of time throwing up on that vacation, and had my first ever pregnancy craving for pickles.


Here are a few from 2007. Dylan was 2 1/2 years old and Lexie was 5 1/2 months old. On that trip, Lexie started crawling everywhere!


We are all so excited to return to Michigan this year!!! I know we're going to have a great time! On Saturday, my countdown will begin!


  1. That looks like a nice relaxing place and can I just comment on Lexie's little toes!! So adorable!! =)

  2. What a cool place! You guys will have a blast!

  3. You're coming to michigan?? I so wish I was closer to Grosse Pointe! I live about an hour and a half away.

    Have fun!

  4. Yay for coming to Michigan! Will you be checking email? If the baby hasn't arrived yet, I would love to meet up with you :)

  5. That sounds like it's going to be a very nice trip. The kids are at the right age to enjoy it even more this year. Have fun!

  6. such great memories and GREAT pics of the kiddos! HAVE FUN...that place looks very nice and relaxing! I've never been to Michigan, so take pictures for your blogger friends :)

  7. YAY Michigan :)
    Love the pics...glad that you guys get to come back this summer!!

  8. There is something so great about having a place that you back to over and over. Because you create memories and then get to add to them. I loved this look back. Have a great time!

  9. Looks beautiful! Have a great time!!!

  10. It looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I LOVE the bonnet that Lexi is wearing in the pics! way to cute. Have a safe trip and can't wait to see more pics!

  11. I love the picture of Lexie in her little pink bathing suit! Sounds like you are going to have a great vacation!

  12. So many of the blogs I read have mentioned trips to MI. I guess I live in a pretty cool place. :)

  13. wow the place looks really nice! and I so love the photos! they are so little and soo cute! for sure that will be another vacation worth treasuring :)

    happy weekend sis!

  14. Your vacation sounds really fun! Enjoy it minus the morning sickness and crawling babies!

  15. Those pictures in the white dress are amazing!

    I saw the movie with John Cusack Gross Pointe Blank a million years ago...is this the same Grosse Point in Michigan?

    I hope y'all have a great time!

  16. sounds fun. hope you all have a great time.

  17. Hold on! Lexi started crawling at 5 1/2 months? You shock me too often!
    Can't wait to hear about your trip!

  18. Arielle just started crawling on our 2 week trip too! I hope you have a great time!


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