Our Five Ring Circus: Long, Long, Long Day

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Long, Long, Long Day

We literally went nonstop today! It was a long day...but a good one!

After just 5 hours of sleep, I loaded the kids into the car at 8 AM, and we didn't get home until 9:15 PM. I am beat!

Our first stop was at a restaurant, where we met my cousin, Michael Anne, for breakfast. I am so happy that we got a chance to see her again, even if it was just for 45 minutes! My kids love her, and kept talking about her all day. She was flying back home to Texas today. It was so hard to say goodbye, but I'm hoping she comes back in May!

Our next stop was at my sister's house, so I could watch my nephews for a few hours. I actually had fun chasing all the kids around! At home, there's always something to do. Since I was at my sister's house, I got to enjoy my time with them and just play! They're a crazy bunch, but I adore them!!!


The boys have a hamster, and my kids love it! I just love the look on the hamster's face!


And, no, we're not getting one. Yet.

When my sister got home, we headed out to our last stop. Even though the kids got a nap in the car as we drove there, they were exhausted by the time we got home tonight! So was I. I literally just sat down!

I think we're going to skip our plans tomorrow and just stay home. We need a break!


  1. Whew! That was a busy day with only 5 hours sleep? You definitely deserve a break!
    Rest up!!

  2. Wowzers! Glad you had fun though...and that hamsters face is soooo funny. He looks like he's saying please help me kind lady. LOL!!

  3. Busy day, huh? You should totally stay home and RELAX today! I had a hamster when I was young and my mom said it was a BAD IDEA! Ha, I don't remember! Your kids are PRECIOUS, I know I say that every post, but seriously...they are adorable!

  4. Hahaha. That hamster looks like it's saying "Help me!" LOL

  5. hahahah....that hampster is like WHAT is happening to me :)

    Hope that you can relax today!!!

  6. That hamsters face is hilarious! I think it was giving you the eye to help it! lol

  7. How fun!
    Now if you do get a hamster be sure to read my post about our hamster experience, or just email me! he he!

  8. The look on that hamsters face made me laugh out loud!

  9. The kids really love those hamsters ;)

  10. Awww! yeah but at least you guys have so much fun! And i think its all worth it. better catch some rest sissy :)


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