Our Five Ring Circus: What's Up Wednesday - Life Lately in July

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What's Up Wednesday - Life Lately in July

What's Up Wednesday

There are only 6 more days left in July, and the first day of school is exactly 5 weeks away. Summer is passing by so quickly, and I feel it slipping from my fingers. The next time I share a What's Up Wednesday, it's going to be the first day of school, and I will most likely be a worried, sobbing mess, because it will be Liam's first day of Kindergarten! 

Before I focus too much on what's to come, here's what we have been eating, watching, reading, wearing, listening to, and loving...


Weekly Menu Plan for Families

For more inspiration, follow along on my What's For Dinner Pinterest board!


With Lily's birthday coming up next Friday, and Liam's birthday coming up in August, I can't help but think about the days they were born, and how quickly the years have gone by. That also means we're approaching the five year anniversary of the start of our Down syndrome journey. Time is a thief!

Newborn Lily

Newborn Photography

Newborn Liam

Down syndrome diagnosis


💜Sleeping in.
💜Not having to leave the house every single day.
💜Summer weather.
💜Wearing flip flops or sandals every day.
💜Playing outside until dark.
💜Only packing one lunch instead of five.
💜No scheduled sports/activities.
💜Watching fireflies light up the night.
💜The comfortable summer nights.
💜The smell of cut grass.
💜The sounds of Summer: lawn mowers, crickets, laughing kids, and frogs.


Last week was crazy busy! You can check out our past week in THIS POST.

Here are the bigger things that happened (so far) in July:

Registered Liam for Kindergarten.
✅ Celebrated the 4th of July.
✅ Liam was chosen for the NDSS Times Square Video.
✅ Visited the library several times.
✅ Played at the park each week.
✅ Went on a Just Ducky Tour.
✅ Liam had 3 days of preschool.
✅ Went to a graduation party.
✅ Celebrated Grant's birthday...yesterday!

+Fireworks, Pirates games, and LOTS of sleepovers and playdates!


  1. Our meeting with the school district on Monday. We have to fight for full inclusion for Liam, despite what they originally promised. 
  2. Summer Break coming to an end. (NOOOOOOOO!!!)
  3. The first day of school.
  4. Sending my BABY to Kindergarten. 😭


Like I mentioned above, we have a meeting with our school district on Monday afternoon. They originally promised full inclusion Kindergarten for Liam, with an aide, but seem to be backing out and trying to place him in a segregated classroom. Nope. NOT happening. Research has proven time and time again that inclusion works, and benefits kids of all abilities.

In order to make the best case possible, I'm speaking with advocates, doing a ton of research, printing out key talking points, taking notes, making sure I know and understand Liam's rights, and preparing a vision statement to give to the people in attendance at the meeting. My husband will be at my side, and trust me when I say that together we will get our son EXACTLY what he needs!


You may have read earlier this month that Liam's picture was chosen among thousands to be featured in the NDSS Times Square Video, which will be played on the Jumbotron in Times Square! Today, I was interviewed about Liam and the Times Square Video. Sometimes I feel like all the work I do to promote Down syndrome awareness is actually making an impact!!!

NDSS Times Square Video


I'm still on a Lisa Scottoline kick! I started Daddy's Girl on Monday, and I'm more than halfway through!

Daddy's Girl


📺Modern Family Season 2
📺Homeland Season 7
📺My So-Called Life
📺Schitt's Creek
📺NCIS Season 15
📺Gilmore Girls Season 1 (AGAIN!)

We just finished watching the second season of The Handmaid's Tale. It was brutal, but incredibly good!


KIDZ BOP, baby! We just announced that my family was chosen to be KIDZ BOP Ambassadors, and my kids are so excited!!!

When the only CD player we own is in the SUV, we take our tunes on the road! 🎤 Life is always entertaining, because these three sing and dance all day long. 🎶 Our kids inherited a love of music (and the performing gene) from me and my husband, and we are so excited to announce that they are now @kidzbop Ambassadors! There's so much fun ahead this year. And in case you missed it, KIDZ BOP 38 is available right now! 💖 #kidzbopambassador #kidzbop #kidzbopkids #kidzbop38 . . . . . . . . . #theluckyfew #downsyndromelove #nothingdownaboutit #siblinglove #thisismotherhood #momblogger #momlifeisthebestlife #upsyndrome #thisisdownsyndrome #pittsburghblogger #specialneedssiblings #clickinmoms #lifewithlittles #lifeisbetterwithyou #igkiddies #MagicofChildhood #pittsburghkids #illuminatechildhood #candidkids
A post shared by Stefanie 💖 | Rockin' Mom of 4 (@lexieloolilyliamdylantoo) on


July has been a hot month, with temperatures in the eighties and nineties every day! I'm not really a shorts kind of girl, but I have been wearing shorts and skirts with cute shirts all month long. Anything else is too hot! (Though I have been known to wear fleece pajamas at night!)

Down syndrome blogs

{Skirt - Old Navy / Shirt - All Are Welcome Here}


FRIDAY: I'm having dinner with my parents, then my mom, sisters, and I are having a girls night in. (No kids allowed!)

SATURDAY: I have a lot to do to prepare for meetings, birthdays, vacation, and back to school, so I will spend Saturday checking things off my To Do List before hanging out with friends in the evening.

SUNDAY: Sunday is usually our relaxing day, but I will probably do our grocery shopping for the week, since I will be busy on Monday and Tuesday.


⭐Lily's 7th Birthday!
⭐My family reunion.
⭐Liam's 5th Birthday!
⭐Our family vacation to the beach!!!


My family is really enjoying the more relaxed Summer schedule, and we're not ready for the chaos to begin again. Although I'm trying to enjoy my favorite time of year, I can't sugar coat the fact that I have a ton of things on my mind, and I'm feeling very stressed and overwhelmed right now. One day at a time is my motto, and it's the only thing keeping me from getting too caught up in my worries. Deep breaths!!!

What's Up Wednesday - What we are eating, reading, listening to, watching, and wearing #momblogger #momlife

Linking up for:

What's Up Wednesday

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Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place / Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter 
Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 


  1. You're going to do great at the meeting. Good luck! I love all the things you listed that you love about summer. Of course we still have dance and swim here to get the kids to! That's exciting about being kidz bop ambassadors! My kids like that station on sirius xm. I'm not so into it!

  2. Ooooh those newborn photos made my heart skip a beat. We are done having babies, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have one more. Seeing pictures like those make me want another so bad!

  3. I laughed that you love not having to leave the house every day! I am right there with you. But then after about 3 or 4 days of not leaving, I start to get a little stir crazy! And it has been either way too hot and humid or pouring rain, so we have literally been stuck inside! Summer will be over before we know it though and then the grind really starts!


  4. Oh goodness, good luck with getting Liam into full inclusion kindergarten. I'm sure you will do great at making your case! That's awful the school is trying to change what they originally said though.
    It's crazy that August is in a week! This summer has been going crazy fast - really, this whole year. It needs to slow down a bit. Sounds like you have a busy weekend, but have fun hanging with friends and family (and no kid time!!)


  5. Wow, you are busy. Beautiful kids. School starts in August in Ga.

  6. Oh that breaks my heart about Liam. Put up a good fight Mama! I teach Kindergarten and our school is full inclusion and it is amazing! So much growth is made. Good luck. You are your child's greatest advocate and know what is best for him. You guys have had a great July!

  7. What a fun July! Congratulations on having Liam featured in the Times Square Video. When/how long will it be shown? Will you get a chance to see it there? That's so exciting! I have to admit that I am LOVING our summer schedule, too. It's nice not to have to be somewhere all the time. Happy birthday to Grant, Lily, and Liam. Also, good luck with your Liam's school meeting. They need to give you what they originally promised!


I love hearing from you! Let's chat!!!