Our Five Ring Circus: Mom On The Go

Monday, July 16, 2018

Mom On The Go

Mom On The Go - A Weekly Life With Kids Recap #momblogger #Downsyndrome #momlife

Happy Monday! After one of our laziest weeks ever, this past week was more on the go. The Mom Taxi and Dad Taxi made a huge comeback over the past few days!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just wait until your kids get older! When I had Dylan, more experienced moms would tell me to enjoy the quiet early years, because life gets busier the older your kids get. It is 100% true! And when you multiply it by four, life can get hectic!

Here's how last week played out (according - mostly - to my cell phone)...

Monday, July 9th

After the weekend, we eased into the new week! Grant worked from home, and I worked alongside him. It felt like a lazy day, because we didn't leave all day, but we both got a lot of work done! Just as we do almost every evening, we stayed outside after dinner until dark.

Kids Sleeping in Funny Positions

Life with Down syndrome

English Mastiff Puppy

Tree Swing

Down syndrome blogs

Tuesday, July 10th

I put off errands since Grant was home the day before, so Tuesday was my errand/shopping day.  We stopped by the pediatrician's office to pick up some paperwork, bought a new dog bed at TJ Maxx, then did our weekly shopping at Aldi and Walmart. Back at home, we had our usual night. Dinner, playtime outside, and bedtime. And no pictures at all. Some days I take hundreds, and some days I don't take any!

Wednesday, July 11th

We spent all of Wednesday at home. After almost a week away, Lexie finally came back! We were so happy to see her!


Down syndrome

Big Families

Games for Kids

Thursday, July 12th

Thursday is usually our library/playground day. We went in the late afternoon, and ended up having the library and the playground all to ourselves! Later that evening, we had a mini photoshoot, and the day ended with Dylan and Lexie getting banned to the basement to clean the playroom after they gave us attitude. Just keeping it real!

English Mastiff

Puppet Show

*Click on the two videos below to watch!

Life with Down syndrome

Special Needs Siblings

Life with Kids

Down syndrome

Sunscreen for Kids

Friday, July 13th

Friday is laundry day (BLAH) and visit my parents day (much better)! We had dinner with them, and stayed until after dark. That evening, my dad ended up taking Liam with him to visit my sister and her family. He had so much fun playing with his cousin, Elijah! When we left, Lily stayed behind for her sleepover with my parents. Meanwhile, Grant took over Dad Taxi duty and drove Dylan to his friend's house for a little party, and picked him up a few hours later. When we got home we watched a scary movie with our friends, since it was Friday the 13th!

*Click on the video below! 

Life with Down syndrome

English Mastiff Puppy

Saturday, July 14th

We had to wake up earlier than usual on Saturday, so I could drive Lexie to her best friend's house. She spent the day with her best friend, Lexi, and her family at the Pirates game in Pittsburgh. She ended up having a great time, and didn't get home until 10 PM. Meanwhile, Grant and Dylan went on their Saturday drive, then Dylan spent a few hours at a friend's house. Lily spent the day with my parents, visiting with family, and didn't arrive home until almost 9 PM. That evening, we had friends over, and played a fun game of Yardzee until it got dark. Then we came inside and watched a bunch of episodes of Modern Family. It was a fun day for all of us!

Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Game

Pirates Game at PNC Park

Sunday, July 15th

Sunday was HOT! It was in the high nineties, and nobody wanted to go outside. I put off grocery shopping for as long as possible, and Liam and I finally headed out just before dinner time. When we arrived home, Dylan and Lexie helped unload the groceries, while Lily and Liam played in the backyard. We had an easy dinner, the kids played outside just a bit longer, then everyone came in for showers and baths. We have a busy week ahead of us, so it was time to wind down!

Down syndrome awareness

This past week was relatively tame for us! The upcoming week is going to be MUCH busier. We have plans every day, and will only be spending a few hours at our house all week. We also have a lot of fun things on our calendar, so stay tuned! 

Mom On The Go - A Weekly Life With Kids Recap #momblogger #Downsyndrome #momlife

What's on your agenda this week?

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How To Organize Your Car for an On The Go Summer With Kids


  1. Lexie and Lexi are so cute at the game!

  2. Oh my gosh, what a busy and fun week! Is it just me, or are summer weeks just SO much busier than school-year weeks?! It's insane. But seriously - how fun! Love all the pics of your kiddos.

  3. I loved that you watched a 'scary movie' with friends - you are brave - I really can't watch them! Cool that you did games nights with pals too. The puppet show thing is a brilliant idea for a library - it reminded me of Punch and Judy - we had it on the beach as kids - I am pretty sure it is banned now - did you get that in The States? Love also that you lay the smack down with 'cleaning in the basement' - it has to be done sometimes doesn't it? You always have so much to comment on, I lose track and then have to re-read :) Oh yes - saw how hot is was on your insta-story - WOW - 96 - good luck with that!!

  4. What a fun week. You are so right about how busy it gets with older kids. My son is constantly talking about friends and sleepovers, plus his extracurricular activities keep us on our toes, too. This week Lewie goes to a camp in the woods with a lake and zip lines. We're invited to come to their family day on Wed. On Thurs., we're back to organizing Cub Scout stuff. The busyness hasn't slowed down, but we SHOULD have a restful weekend (I hope). Enjoy your week!

  5. Can't wait to see what you are up to this week! I have a variety of things happening this week too, but there should be a little down time too which is nice. Sounds like you all had a really fun Saturday!!! :)


  6. Sounds like you've been doing summer right! I feel ya' on taking a ton of pictures on one day and none on the next! Sometimes I'm excited to post about our weekend recap only to find that I only took two pictures. Haha. Hardly enough for a blog post. Looking forward to reading about your week this week!!!

  7. Sounds like a busy and fun week! I'm learning all about Mom and Dad Taxi now that my four are getting older lol!


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