We returned to our ridiculously busy schedule this past week. I went back to leaving the house every single day - often multiple times - but we packed a lot of fun into the past seven days! Life in the Summer is always entertaining and full of chaos!
As we approach the end of July, Summer just seems to be speeding up. I can't believe it's going to be August next week. August is full of birthdays, reunions, parties, our family vacation, and the first day of school. It's going to be fun, but I know it's going to fly by as quickly as June and July did. What I wouldn't give to press the pause button!
Here's what life is like with the Chaos Crew (AKA 4 kids who keep me on my toes)...
Monday, July 16th
We took a little "staycation" day, and our family enjoyed a fun afternoon in Pittsburgh!
Tuesday, July 17th
Liam headed back to preschool for his July school/therapy session. After dropping him off at his school, we took Ella for a walk at the park. We headed home after our (very hot) walk, and before long, it was time to go pick up Liam. He had a great afternoon at school, but was more excited to stop at the park on the way home!
Wednesday, July 18th
Another day of preschool! Lily and I dropped Liam off at school, then I dropped Lily off at her friend's house for a playdate. She was so excited to see her classmate again, and spend the afternoon swimming. Back at home, I got some work done before it was time to go pick Liam up. We came home for a while, then went to pick Lily up from her playdate. Unfortunately, it was the last time Lily would see her friend, because they are moving back to North Carolina this week. She was so bummed to say goodbye.
Thursday, July 19th
It was Liam's last day of preschool for the week/July. While he was at school, we received some bad news about his schooling in the Fall. I was in tears as I drove back to his school to pick him up, but tried to de-stress at the park with my kids. It didn't help much, and ruined the rest of my evening.
Friday, July 20th
We spent the day visiting my parents. As always, the kids had a great time! Lily stayed over that night for a sleepover. Back at home, we spent a few hours with friends. I headed to bed earlier than usual, because my contacts were driving me crazy. Every time it rains now, my eyes get really itchy, and I seriously hate it!
Saturday, July 21st
Grant and Dylan woke up early for their Saturday drive. That afternoon, we went to my nephew, Tyler's graduation party. We ended up staying until nearly dark, then headed back home for a night with our friends. Meanwhile, Dylan had his friend over, so the kids spent the evening in the basement, playing. We enjoyed pizza (which I burned like a boss) and cheesecake, and watched a movie and a few episodes of Modern Family. It was a fun night!
Sunday, July 22nd
Sunday was mostly a lazy day. Lily, Liam, and I ran a few errands in the late afternoon. We had to get gas, stop at Kohl's, get some groceries at Aldi, and grab a few things at Walmart. We didn't get home until almost 7, had to unload the car, and cook dinner, so it was a late night for us. We didn't get to play outside for too long, because it rained until it was nearly dark, but the kids burned off some energy for a few minutes before coming back inside for the night.
I hope everything is ok regarding school for Liam!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful week with your kiddos! I love how busy you all stay - doesn't that just make the summer more fun? I'm sorry, however, to hear you've been stressed about a school issue for Liam. It's the worst when things go wrong. I'll be praying there's a solution for you all soon <3
ReplyDeletePhew you guys are busy even when it's not busy right? Such is life with kids and I totally feel it this summer, we are go go go and I always want to collapse haha!
ReplyDeleteThat does sound like a busy month!
ReplyDeleteHAHAH I 'burn food like a boss' too - that really cracked me up! So sorry though to hear you've had bad news about Liam's schooling in the Fall - I hope that you find a solution - you will be in my thoughts and prayers! BTW Liam in the tub reminded me of Caspar when he was little - he used to like sitting in large plant pots. Poor Lily having to say goodbye to a pal - it is always really hard at any age but when you are young it's really tough. Sometimes I get bad eyes when it is damp too - I think it's all the spores in the air, but then again, anything sets my eyes off! Best of luck with the school issue - BIG HUGS - J xx
ReplyDeleteI want to be part of the Chaos Crew. Where do I join? Seriously, you guys know how to have fun. Swimming, sleepovers, movies, parks, and day trips--what didn't you do? On another note, Dylan is getting so big. Oh my goodness...I enjoyed watching him grow up on your blog because I knew Lewie was only a few short years from being into the same things. Now, I see Dylan and realize my little boy is getting way too big. I truly wish I could freeze time.