Our Five Ring Circus: Friday Favorites

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, my friends! 

We have a 3 day weekend full of fun ahead of us and there's only one more week of school left, so I'm in a great mood!  The end of the school year insanity is always so overwhelming and chaotic. I'm really looking forward to the more relaxed schedule over Summer Break!

Here's what I'm currently loving:


My new wood watch from JORD! I can't get over how pretty it is! (If you want one of your own or want to buy a Father's Day gift, I have a JORD giveaway going on HERE.)



I mentioned I got a lot of good news last week!  Well, I can finally share one thing. Liam was chosen to be a brand rep for Trendy Bubs! I am so grateful that they are taking part in Changing the Face of Beauty!

This week was full of good news! While I can't share all of the news just yet, I am excited to share that Liam was chosen to be a @trendybubs brand rep! (Go check out the adorable team!) Thank you so much for including a little guy who is rocking an extra


I put a pair of Native Slip-On sneakers in my Amazon cart for Liam weeks ago, but never bought them.  I finally took the plunge and I can't wait for them to get here. Mainly because I am so fed up with tying Liam's shoes repeatedly after he kicks them off.  I sure hope they live up to all the hype!


Most people have a cat or a dog, but we have a horse!  I shared our story a few days ago and cried as I wrote the entire post!



My oldest had his final 5th grade band and chorus concert on Tuesday!  The kids sounded so much better than they did at their very first concert in December.  The improvement was incredible! Chorus is mandatory for 5th and 6th grade, but band is optional. Even so, most of the 5th grade class joins band.  Dylan played trumpet this year, but decided to switch to drums next year.  Bring on the noise!



I received the SuperMom VoxBox from Influenster! This VoxBox was one of my favorites so far. It included Goody SlideProof Spiky Soft Touch Hair Elastics, Daisy Squeeze Sour Cream, Pilot Acroball Pens, Palmolive Fusion Clean, Suave Kids Purely Fun, Plackers Flossers and Secret Outlast Xtend Invisible Solid. I am so impressed with every product!


*I received these products complimentary for testing purposes.


It's Lily's first full week of Summer Break!  She spent the first day crying about missing her friends and teachers and wanting to go back to school. Every day she asks if she can go to Kindergarten. I'm trying to convince her to relax and enjoy Summer vacation first!



I have to submit a headshot tomorrow, so I had Lexie quickly take new ones for me.  She has a good eye at such a young age! Hopefully I can share that good news next week!



Speaking of Lexie, apparently the hormones kick in at 9 years old. At 7:30 this morning to be exact. One minute Lexie was smiling and the next minute she was slamming doors and screaming about how she hates her new dress and how going to school is stupid. Five minutes later, she was smiling and telling me she loved me. She climbed on the bus and left me standing there wondering what the heck just happened. Thank goodness she's so loving and adorable most of the time!



I'm going to leave you with a daily dose of happy! He fills my days with favorite moments!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  How will you be celebrating Memorial Day?



  1. Yay for Liam being a brand rep for trendybubs!! That's great! So sweet of Lilly to be sad and miss her friends, but enjoy your summer sweet girl. Goodness the drama with Lexie. Does it really start that early?

    1. Thank you so much!
      And, yes, it starts that early. According to my Facebook comments, apparently 9 is LATE. WHAT?!?

  2. Natives are amazing! Our middle man, Wesley, LOVES his and can put them on himself! #win

    1. They just arrived today! They are really easy to put on so I instantly liked them!

  3. I love that head shot of you. You look great. I love Jord watches and have one coming my way now. Yay for Liam!!! So much going on. I hope you all enjoy summer break.

    1. Thank you so much!
      I hope you love your watch. They're so beautiful!

  4. Congratulations to Liam!! I love that! And why does Dylan look like a grown man?! Holy moly he looks so old in that picture! It goes by way too fast, that's for sure. I hope you guys have a wonderful long weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! And, yes, Dylan is looking so grown up these days!

  5. Love the wood watch! And I have no natives for both my boys, and they seriously are the best!!!

    1. We just got them today and I love the fact that they slip on so easily!

  6. What cutie kiddos! You are a busy lady Stefanie!!! Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!

  7. Beautiful headshot and your children are all gorgeous! Congrats to Liam! :)

  8. That watch is gorgeous. Um I cant believe how big Liam is getting and seriously cuter and cuter with every picture you post of him!!!

    I am jealous of that box!!! I got the sprout one and while I loved it that one looks great! First how are our girls already out of pre-school? Bre is so excited for summer so she doesnt have to wake up and rush out of the house in the morning haha

    Lexi has a great eye, that is a beautiful photo.

    Miss you all hope you are doing well.

    1. Thank you for all your sweet comments! I miss you, too. Let's plan something for over the summer!

  9. Can't wait to hear some exciting news soon! And, the flower pic with the watch is gorgeous!!!

    1. Thank you so much! It's such a pretty watch. I already told everyone that it is NOT baby news. That's what everyone always thinks!

  10. Just found your blog browsing through the Momfessionals linkup and, my goodness, your pictures are stunning! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of camera and lens do you use? Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Kristina! I use a Nikon D90 and a 50 mm lens most of the time. It's my favorite lens!

  11. My preschooler is out for summer, but my big girl has one more week, too. I am so ready to turn the alarms off for a few months!! I'm glad to see you haven't "released" your big news yet. I thought I had missed it and went back through your last posts searching for it a few days ago! Ha!! Have a great week!!

    1. I am done. Absolutely done. I just have to make it through 4 more days!!!
      I will share the news this week (hopefully). It's not baby news, that's for sure!

  12. Oh my goodness, that's so cool that Liam gets to be a brand rep!!!!

  13. Good news?! I can't wait to hear what it is! I still love that watch and that VoxBox looks like a great one too. Hope you had a great long weekend!

  14. I've seen those Jord watches a lot lately and I think they are so cool!

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! They have so many beautiful choices!


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