Our Five Ring Circus: Mother's Day Weekend

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

Fifteen years ago, I informed Grant that I really wanted to be a mother someday and I wanted four children.  At the time, it seemed like a dream.  It's still hard to believe that it became my reality, but I am so thankful it did!

We spent the weekend celebrating motherhood.

We started the celebration on Saturday with a Mother's Day Tea with my mom and several of my sisters.  We all sipped tea, snacked on cucumber sandwiches and pastries, and chatted. My mom had favor baskets for her daughters and grandchildren. The girls played dress up and sipped tea with us and the boys ran off to play.  Liam was cuddled and happily ate everything in sight. This was the first year we all went in on a gift for my mom.  It was nice to be there together to give it to her!


It was such a fun afternoon, and I'm hoping we continue that tradition next year!


My Mother's Day was simple, but perfect. My day started with breakfast in bed, while a sleeping baby propped his feet on me.  The kids spoiled me with homemade gifts from school, homemade cards, a beautiful hyacinth, boxes of tea, and I'm getting a new engraved necklace.

We spent the majority of the day at home.  We only left for a brief visit with Grant's mom and Nannie.


We didn't do anything exciting, but that's okay.  I spent the day loving the children who made me a mom.  I love them more than words can say.

Last year, I thought I had it all figured out.  I was so excited to meet the baby who would complete our family. I had no idea that baby would challenge me to be a better mother.  As the shock settled in after his birth, I remember thinking, "I CAN'T do this.  I don't want to live this life."

Yesterday, I found myself tearing up while holding the beautiful boy who changed me forever.  After just a few days with my little miracle, my thoughts changed to,  "I CAN do this and this life is better than anything I ever imagined."  

Thank you, sweet Liam, for making me a better person.


Thank you, my beautiful Lily, for making me smile and laugh every single day.  Thank you, my  sweet and gorgeous Lexie, for your fierce loyalty and love.  Thank you, Dylan, for making me a mom and for loving others the way I love you. I am so proud of you all.


I'm so thankful my dream came true. I'm so thankful for my four miracles. They brighten my days and light up my world. I am honored to be their mother and I will love them with all my heart and soul until the end of time.


  1. Such a sweet post - you really are an inspiring mama!!!

  2. Glad you had a great Mother's Day! xoxox

  3. What a sweet post! You are so strong & awesome!

    And I think the celebration with your mom & sisters sounds so wonderful. What a fun time together. That would be a great tradition to carry on!

  4. what a beautiful post - you're an amazing Mama to those 4!

  5. Totally crying...

    You're such a gift to them and to the world.

    1. Awww, thank you, Steph! You know I feel the same about you! XOXO

  6. Happy Mothers Day!! Looks like you had a relaxing day :) your kiddos are so cute!!

  7. YAY!! So glad you had a wonderful day and your kiddos showered you with love.


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