Our Five Ring Circus: Five On Friday

Friday, May 2, 2014

Five On Friday



Shortly after Liam was born, I was told to sign him up for the Irun4 program.  Basically, it's an organization that matches up runners with children and adults with special needs.  I finally got around to signing up, and Liam was matched with a beautiful young woman named Emily within hours.  Emily runs for Liam, and we keep in touch several times a week on facebook.  She wears an I Run 4 Liam shirt and she sent him a shirt to wear.  Emily has a 5K today, and Liam is cheering her on!  This is such a great program.  If you are a runner or have a child with special needs, please consider signing up!



I never go to thrift stores.  The last time I was in one was about a decade ago.  Grant wanted to look for something yesterday afternoon, so we headed to our local store.  As soon as I walked in, I found a Christmas dress for Lily that I saw in Costco in December.  I was thrilled with this amazing find.  Brand new, for $1.99!!! 



Lexie brought home her class science project yesterday.  A pair of guppies and some snails are now living in her room.  Dylan had the same teacher two years ago, and did the same project.  After he brought his home, we ended up with 40 guppies.  They slowly devoured each other over the next few months, until we ended up with just one guppy.  One guppy that still lives in his room.  My husband referred to it as The Hunger Games.  Here we go again!!!



I'm a huge believer in baby wearing.  I wore all my babies.  I tried a sling, a Moby Wrap, and a Baby Bjorn.  I wasn't a big fan in the sling, but I loved my Moby Wrap for the newborn days.  The most used carrier was the Baby Bjorn.  After hearing rave reviews about the Ergo, I ordered one for Liam.  I have only had it for a few days, but I'm in love!  It's the best baby carrier I've ever used!  It's incredibly comfortable, Liam loves it, it can be used in multiple positions up to 45 pounds, and I can discreetly nurse him (hello, hood!)  in it!  



The comments I hear and the looks directed my way when I take all 4 kids shopping alone are hilarious!  But I'm going to be perfectly honest.  The kids go easy on me.  Taking them all out at once isn't as difficult as it sounds!

I'm linking up with Darci and the girls for Five On Friday!


  1. You're such an awesome mama!!

    #1, okay that is SO awesome. Love it. And that onesie is great!!

    #4 & #5!! yes!! Baby wearing and taking all the kiddos shopping. You're a super star.

  2. I'm really debating on the ergo. I have the moby and I love it. I just don't see me using a baby carrier a lot so I have been hesitant to make the purchase.

  3. Good find on the dress! :)

    I checked out the I run 4 page. Love the idea and everything behind it. Going to sign up. I've been wanting to do another 5K and this would be perfect . Thanks for mentioning it.

    P.S. Love keeping up with your family :) I read every post but don't always get to comment.

  4. Oh, I love that Liam has a runner just for him. How amazing! I love the Christmas dress. How pretty! We are getting a Costco soon and I can't wait to go check it out. Is the dress red or hot pink? I love the strange looks when I take all 4 kiddos out shopping. We hear so many comments. =) When I have my niece with me, the looks turn into stares. I guess 5 kids is so far out of the normal zone people have to watch. I'm pretty blessed to in that my kiddos are usually pretty good when we go out too.

    1. My great niece is with us in the summer, so I completely understand the 5 kids situation!!!
      The dress is a dark red. It's really pretty!
      Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. I kick myself that I never bought a Ergo, she's forver in the low 20s...but at just over 2 years old I don't know how well she would tolerate a carrier. HAHA

    1. Got to train them young, I guess! I know Liam probably won't walk until he's closer to 2, so I'll be carrying him for a while. I wish I would have bought one for Lily!

  6. The "I Run 4" program sounds awesome. What a neat idea! I wish I had an Ergo back in the day. It looks like it gives you a lot of support! Unfortunately, my son was 20 lbs. at 4 months, so I suppose, however, that I wouldn't have been able to use it for too long. That Christmas dress was a great find; I love shopping in thrift stores!

    1. The I Run 4 program has been amazing. We love Liam's runner!
      Liam will probably be able to fit in the Ergo for years to come!


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