Our Five Ring Circus: Happenings

Thursday, May 24, 2012


It was a big day for my big kids!

This afternoon, I took Lexie to yet another Kindergarten event.  This time it was for a Watermelon Welcome.  I took Dylan to the same event two years ago, so I knew what they were going to do, but it was still exciting for Lexie!

She got to watch a video in the computer lab, then try out the school computers.  Next, they went to the gym and made their own mini flower pots to plant seeds in.


Next up was a bus ride.  She was super excited about that one!


After the bus ride, they returned to the other side of the gym to do an art project and have a story read to them, while the principal talked to the parents.  Finally, they got their watermelon, cards and pencils from current kindergarteners, and headed out to play on the playground!

I can't believe Kindergarten is a few short months away!

Later in the day, we headed to Dylan's baseball practice and game.  Dylan has been playing so well!  He whacks the ball every single time he bats.  He has been scoring,  and hitting far enough to bring his teammates home. 

He gets so excited to hear his teammates cheer him on!


After the game tonight, he got the game ball, thanks to all his great hits!  He was so excited and proud!


His entire team has been playing so well, so one of the coaches treated them to ice cream after the game!  Ice cream was a great incentive, so they really played with enthusiasm tonight!

Of course, I can't forget Lily!

My sweet girl had to get repeat blood work done yesterday.  She is anemic, and they wanted to do another blood draw to see if the iron supplement was helping.  Grant came along this time.  I didn't want to go alone after all the fun 2 weeks ago!

Lily did great, though!  They found a vein right away.  Lily let out the tiniest yell when the needle went in, then sat perfectly still and watched the lab tech do her job.  I was shocked!

She also really really wants to walk.  And I really really want her to slow down.


I'm so proud of my sweet babies!



  1. Lily looks so big in that picture and Dylan is getting so mature looking. Stop growing up kids!

  2. wow big events in your family!!! everybody is growing up

  3. Sounds like the kiddos are all doing so great in their own ways - they are too sweet :)

  4. So sweet! Dylan looks so different from the first time I came across your blog...make them stop growing up! =)

  5. Why do they have to grow so fast?! Ha!

  6. Great job to all of them! They are sooo cute!

  7. Wow...lots of milestones! Dylan is gonna be a heart-breaker for sure! Hope Lily's blood work comes back better. Lexie will do great in kindergarten!


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