Our Five Ring Circus: The End of Pre-K

Monday, May 14, 2012

The End of Pre-K

Today was Lexie's last day of school!  Her year in Pre-K flew by! 


She has grown so much in the past 9 months.  On her first day of school, she walked into the school, nervous, scared,  and uncertain.  I remember how her tiny hand clutched mine tightly, and how she kept catching my eye and shooting little smiles my way.


It wasn't long before she was racing into her teacher's arms every morning, and not even looking back at me. 


After I dropped Lexie off at her classroom this morning, I turned and tried to blink the tears away.  I was shocked by how quickly the year went, and by how much older she acts and looks.

At the end of class, we presented her teachers with their end of the year class gifts. Her teacher hugged me as she sent Lexie on her way, and told me that she'd be waiting for Lily.  I sure hope so!  Dylan and Lexie both had the same teachers, and they are wonderful.  My kids adore them, and I hope that Lily is lucky enough to have them as her teachers in 3 years!

Lexie left her classroom for the last time, and I swallowed back tears, knowing that we would no longer be doing this.  She walked down the hall, smiling and holding her memory book (an awesome gift from the teachers) and graduation cap snack.

She walked down the hallway for the last time as a student, and left the building as a Pre-K graduate. 


Lexie adored her teachers, and was already missing school as we pulled out of the parking lot.  I think she would have been content to have the same teacher teach her through all her school years! I can't even wrap my mind around the fact that she'll be heading to Kindergarten!


I am so proud of my baby girl.  She has come so far and grown so much!  I love my little Princess with all my heart!  She may be a big girl now, but she'll always be my baby.



  1. *tears*
    She is def more grown up in her appearance. Hard to believe she is going to KDG. I feel like she was just a chubby baby yesterday

  2. She is such a pretty girl!
    She & Kenlee look like they would have a good time together!
    Our end of Pre-K is next week, and I'm like you, just can't believe it!

  3. I got all emotional reading this! and, my daughter is going to kindergarten in two short years ::::wah!!!:::: :)

  4. She's so cute! Congratulations to her. Pierce has 3 more weeks until Pre-K is over. This year has flown by!

  5. Oh my word, she's such a little big girl now. It's exciting, but I can sure see why your heart is a little mushy right now. :)

  6. congrats to Lexie!!! She looks so cute!!!

  7. She is absolutely precious!!!!!!

  8. Awh way to go Lexie! Enjoy your summer!!

  9. Your girls have the MOST FABULOUS outfits...ever. Congrats, seems like school flies by!

  10. this post made me cry...I feel the SAME way about our oldest. his kinder graduation is next tuesday and I'm a mess already...

    just thinking about KINDERGARTEN makes me SO sad...they grow too fast and then it'll be high school, ugh!

    she looks adorable and I bet she's ready to enjoy summer and head off to "real" school! LOL

  11. I love the pic of her standing in her school hallway. She looks like a little teenager!


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