Our Five Ring Circus: We Are Family!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We Are Family!

Weddings in my family are always a lot of fun! Yesterday, my cousin got married, and it was the first family wedding in many years. Everybody had a great time celebrating the marriage of Charlie and Gloria!

One thing is for sure: my family knows how to have a good time!


The weather didn't look very promising that morning. Several storms came through before noon. Thankfully, the sun came out and it warmed up, just in time for the wedding! It turned out to be a beautiful Spring day!

Dylan and Lexie spent the day with my sister and her family, while we attended the wedding. It was nice to be able to enjoy the wedding, with only Nugget to worry about! Sweet little Nugget fits right in with the family, and partied all night long! Nugget spent the entire ceremony and reception moving around...I'm guessing he/she liked the music!

The wedding was beautiful, and afterward, the party started! There was plenty of food and drink, a very impressive cookie table, lots of dancing, and the hit of the night: a photo booth! My family is wild and crazy, but so much fun!

My man and I both got Lei'ed, while dancing!


My parents, sister, brother-in-law, and I:


My Aunt Susie and Uncle Milt, my wonderful Godparents, were in town from Texas! I haven't seen my Uncle Milt in over 5 years. I love them and miss them so much!!! The fact that they were there made the day even better!


My mom with my wonderful Aunt Jackie (the mother of the groom):


My mom, my sister, and I:


Hanging with my brother-in-law...even though he loves the Patriots, I still love him:


Proof that even a Father can have fun (Sorry, FRob...I couldn't resist sharing these pictures...love you!):


My dad with his brothers and sisters...this is the first time they have all been together at the same time, in the same place, in years! They had so much fun!


The reception wrapped up around midnight. The adventurous family members continued the party at a local restaurant/bar! I, however, drove my family home, and ended up picking the kids up from my sister's house, since she had to go to work really early. By the time we arrived home, it was almost 1:30 AM!

I may not have had a single drink, but I felt like I had a wedding hangover all day! Not only was I tired, but I ended up having a lot of contractions today, most likely from all the dancing I did. The wedding was so much fun, though, and I love my amazing family!

Congratulations to Charlie and Gloria!!!


  1. Great wedding! I can't believe there were all those pics of you an NO belly shot!!!!
    The father with the lei? 100% awesome!

  2. Congrats! Looks like a fun wedding!

  3. I love family weddings! We have one to go to in June and I can't wait! You look like you had a blast!

  4. Ya....where's the belly pictures? =) Kidding! Glad you had a fab time! Woop!

  5. So fun! I love weddings!! They are always too much fun! And I love cake!! haha.. Seriously though. ;)

  6. I love that FRob is whooping it up with you guys!

  7. Everyone looks like they were having the best time at the wedding! The smiles were huge!

  8. Hi, first time visitor here. I quickly gathered that you're pregnant, so congrats! But also, how did you manage to stay out that late while preggers?! KUDOS. I felt super old lady when I was pregnant.

    And you look great!

    (I was seriously short-changed with the hole pregnancy glow thing)

    Cheers and good luck with everything,

  9. Looks like a blast. I loved seeing your beaming smile in many of the pictures. You have the glow!


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