Our Five Ring Circus: The Big Move

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Big Move

Today was a BIG day for Lexie. She loves her crib, but she gave it up for a big girl bed!

We turned her crib into a toddler bed after dinner, because she has been agreeable to the idea. I'm not quite sure she was really ready for the change.


She seemed excited about her bed, and was happily climbing in and out of it. Right after we turned out the lights, she began crying. She wanted her crib back...badly! She cried for me to sleep with her. She cried for me to put her crib back. She cried until she was gagging.

I was more than ready to give up and screw the front panel back on.

2 hours and 15 minutes later, she fell asleep.


The good news? She didn't attempt to get out of bed on her own.

The bad news? We have to make it through the rest of the night. And naps.


  1. Awww! The first time is always the hardest! I sure hope Daisy lasts that long in her crib! My boys started climbing out of their cribs at 2.5 and we had to get them big boy beds before they broke their necks!
    I hope bed time/naps go easier next time!!

  2. Oh!!! =) Hope she does better tonight.

  3. ugh - I remember those days!! Luckily the stupor of lack of sleep makes the memory fade!! gorgeous bed though..

  4. Aww! What's funny is that it's really just missing the front, right? It hardly seems like it would be that big of a deal, but I guess to these little kiddos, anything different throws their whole world off kilter.

    Poor little punkin.

  5. awww, so tough to adjust to a new bed :( Seems that she did great...hope she made it through the night too! She looks so peaceful sleeping!!

  6. Oh, i hope it is going better for her! That fist night is so hard! 2 hours and 15 min!? She's good!!

  7. awwwww....hopefully it will get better as time goes on...bittersweet moment for sure

  8. She looks thrilled, way to go LEXIE! love the scrolly drape holders, soooo cute! Hugs, Jen

  9. It sounds like she did pretty well. Hang in there. I know when Lillian was moved into her twin bed I made a big deal about how she was a big girl now so she got a big girl bed. Good luck!

  10. Yeah, we're in no hurry for a big boy bed around here!

  11. i'm sorry it took so long for her to fall asleep! but that's great that she stayed there all night!

  12. Aww I hope the rest of the night went well! She looks so cute in her bed. :)

    Aidyn never attempted to get out of his bed either-- in fact he still doesn't haha. It always cracks me up that I have to walk in his room and tell him it's okay to get out.

  13. Oh no! Poor Lexie. I hope the night and naps went better than the first two hours did!!

  14. Ooooh She is such a sweet peanut! I hope Monkey stays in her crib until she's 18. LOL Can you tell I am not ready to let go of my baby?! ;-)

  15. awwww....hope that the rest of the transition is easy!!

  16. oh man . . hope it has gotten better :) she looks so sweet sleeping!

  17. sorry for the late visit sissy.. hope she already got used with her new bed :)


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