Our Five Ring Circus: I Declare Today...

Monday, January 18, 2010

I Declare Today...

...Pajama Day!


I declare today...

...a day to start taking pictures every day just because. No more saving the camera for posed pictures, holidays, events, and important days. A day to just start taking snapshots.


I declare today...

...a day to start the countdown to getting a new couch. Because the one we have is beat and I can't take another moment with it.


I declare today...

...a reminder that I need to wash my windows. Y. I. K. E. S.


Today, Grant and I were feeling under the weather, after our whirlwind weekend. Grant took a sick day from work, and we all stayed in our pajamas today. Well...Lexie still had on her dress from yesterday, with a pair of too big sweatpants underneath, and an absolutely fabulous side ponytail, since she fell asleep in the car last night!

We started off the day by watching "The Wizard of Oz." Then we had a yummy brunch. Dylan and Grant watched another movie and played Lego Stars on the Wii, while Lexie napped, and I cleaned up the brunch dishes, and went for a run. The kids and Grant wrestled on the couch after Lexie woke up, then they played with Playdoh and Moon Sand (nice and messy!) while I got dinner ready. After the kids were in bed, Grant and I got to watch another movie! It was a good, lazy day!


I didn't get to do the organizational projects that I planned to do today, but that's okay. I got to spend it with my family!


  1. Sometimes, we all need a pj day! Even when we aren't feeling under the weather, it's pj day here all the way! The BEST!

  2. I love pajama days! We have a lot of them in our house!!

  3. I like all those things that you declared today. I take lots of snap shots but need to get better at bringing my camera every day to work now as I forget to bring it a lot of times :).

    Glad you had a fun lazy day . . I need one of those!

  4. I love the pictures and PJ day! Hope you both get to feeling better!

  5. Okay, can I come live with you and have pajama day? I need one!

  6. We all need days like that! We're having one today! Me and the little ones have colds. So we are skipping school and staying in our jammies all day.

  7. that sounds like a great day!!!! I may have to "adopt" this idea...day off in jammies!!

  8. don't blame you. look at that pitiful dreary wheather behind the kids in the window in the last shot. who would not have a pj day?

  9. Everyone needs a PJ day now and then. Loved this. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. Those kind-of days are THE BEST!!!!!


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