Our Five Ring Circus: Horse-iversary

Friday, January 8, 2010


Every year, on this day, I celebrate. I got my horse, Cherokee, on this day! 17 years ago, today, to be exact! It's crazy to think that it's more than half of my lifetime.

Cherokee was a belated Christmas gift from my parents. Every year, I asked for a horse. Yet another Christmas came and went without getting my biggest wish. On January 8th, 1993, that was all going to change!

I came home from school on a Friday afternoon, and my dad told me that we had to go to a farm to rescue two sheep. It was a cold, snowy day, much like the one we're having today! When we got to the farm, I didn't see sheep anywhere around, but I did spot a pasture filled with horses. Being the horse obsessed 12 year old that I was, I ran over to see them. As I was standing there, I heard a horse in the barn behind me. My parents suggested that I go into the barn and look. There was only one horse in the barn. As I approached him, my dad asked, "What are you going to name him?" I was so confused, and just stood there, with my mouth hanging open. They finally told me that he was mine. I remember screaming, crying, and telling my parents that they were lying.

Cherokee arrived at the stable I rode at the following day, and that began my adventure in horse ownership!

Buying a horse for me was the best thing my parents could have done. Taking care of him taught me to be a responsible, dedicated person. I spent so much time riding, training, and caring for him, that it kept me out of trouble! My childhood was just so much better with Cherokee in it!

Cherokee has been with me for 17 years now. He will stay with me until the day he dies. I love him dearly, and can't imagine just getting rid of him. He's my pet and my friend.

I don't have nearly as much time to spend with him as I once did. This past fall, I did start riding again! Even better, my kids now get to ride and take care of him!

17 years spent with my awesome horse! He was my first baby. I can't even remember my life without him! I have so many amazing memories of all the time I spent with him and all of our adventures together! We grew up together. He has brought so much to my life...all the fun rides, the shows, the excitement, and most of all, the friendships I've made through riding.

Here's to our 17th Anniversary of meeting each other, and to 17 wonderful years spent together!


  1. What a wonderful Christmas present! I hope he lives long enough to be there while your littles grow up too!

  2. I love the pic of Lexie & Cherokee... adorable!!

  3. What a sweet post! I'm glad that you have been riding again and now that Lexie likes to ride him, you'll be able to share your passion with her!

  4. Awww...I could have written this post about my baby Joey. That was my 20 yr old cat who passed away right before we moved to SA. Pets are definitely members of the family.

  5. Happy horse-iversary!!

    Cherokee is beautiful!!

  6. Man Steph, that is the HAPPIEST smile I think I've ever seen on you. You're glowing!!!

    Love that smile! Happy Anniversary.

  7. Awww Happy Anniversary! He is so gorgeous, you are so lucky to have him and to have gotten him for a Christmas present! That is many a little girls dream - was always mine, still is really ;-)

    So glad you started riding again and that your kids get to ride and care for him now too. That is so special!

  8. I love this post! What great pictures and an amazing story of friendship!

    I am making up for lost time (never had room or money for a horse as a kid) - and it's funny that I was thinking about posting about Kona today.

    (Except that it was going to be a OHMYGOSH-SHEDIDNOTJUSTDOTHAT post, after she took off fully tacked up sans rider, UGH).

    I love Cherokee! My mom had a leopard appy that she grew up with - and no one can ever replace that first horse, huh? :)

  9. I love the old picture of you with him and the new one of Lexie with him. What a wonderful part of your family!


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