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October is such a special month for our family! It used to just be a month full of Fall activities and Halloween celebrations. Now it includes celebrating Liam and educating our family and friends about Down syndrome.
Last month was Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Each day I took a picture of Liam and shared a fact about Down syndrome. I just wanted people to see exactly what Down syndrome is and show them that it really isn't something to fear!
Parenting ANY child has its ups and downs, but I just wanted to share Liam's beauty and shatter some misconceptions about Down syndrome. I shared these pictures on Instagram and Facebook, but I wanted to share them on my blog, too!
DAY 1: Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month! The
number one thing I want people to know about Liam is that Down syndrome
is only a tiny fraction of who he is. He is a happy, healthy, smart boy
just like any other. We encourage everyone to look past Down syndrome
and discover the individual. Liam is not a "Downs" child and we don't
like to hear "I'm sorry" in regards to his diagnosis. We're not sorry!
He is Liam and he is loved!
DAY 2: In
a recent study, nearly 90% of siblings indicated that they feel like
they are better people because of their brother or sister with the
developmental disability. I have no doubt that Liam changed Dylan,
Lexie, and Lily's outlook on life. Their love for Liam is evident in
every picture I take. Even more important, they truly care about
everyone. Ability or race isn't even a factor in their thinking!
DAY 3: In
1983, the life expectancy for a person with Down syndrome was only 25.
Today, the life expectancy is 60. I have no doubt that number will
continue to rise!

DAY 4: Although
it varies with each person, people who have Down syndrome tend to be
small in stature. At just over 2 years old, Liam is 22 lbs and 32
inches. He is the size of an average 1 year old boy. The outfit he was
wearing for this picture today was 6-9 months, but he typically wears
9-12 months. I love my tiny dude!

DAY 5: Liam's
gorgeous blue eyes have always captivated me! Those little white flecks
are called Brushfield spots. These spots are normal for children, but
are also a feature of Down syndrome, occurring in 35-78% of newborns
with Down syndrome.

DAY 6: The
average age range to walk for a person with Down syndrome is 2-4. I was
scared by that statistic and envisioned carrying my 4 year old around.
Liam, however, started taking unassisted steps at 17 months, but didn't
string more than a few steps together until 22 months. At that point, he
took off and never stopped!

DAY 7: A characteristic of Down syndrome
is small and/or low-set ears. Ear infections and hearing issues are
common, and many kids with Down syndrome end up getting tubes.
Thankfully, Liam's hearing is perfect and he has only had 2 ear
infections. He does have tiny ear canals, but it doesn't cause any harm.
It just makes examining his ears a bit tricky!

DAY 8: It is common for babies with Down syndrome
to teethe late (12-24 months is the norm) and get their teeth in an
unusual pattern. Teeth may be smaller than average, misshapen, and they
may even be missing some teeth. Liam was 13 months old when he got his
first two teeth (bottom middle, which is normal). His top 2 molars
immediately followed. Liam now has 16 teeth, including all four 2-year
molars, which usually come in last. Still waiting on all 4 canine/eye

DAY 9: (From the NDSS): There is a 50-100% incidence of
obstructive sleep apnea in individuals with Down Syndrome, with almost
60% of children with Down syndrome having abnormal sleep studies by age
3.5 - 4 years. Liam doesn't have any issues right now, but he will have a
sleep study done between ages 3-4.

DAY 10: Many
people underestimate the capabilities of people who have Down syndrome.
What I've learned is this: Do not think in terms of can't. He can and
he will.

DAY 11: The need for glasses is much more common in children with Down syndrome.
Tear duct abnormalities and early age cataracts are also common issues.
Liam has been under the care of an Opthamologist since he was 6 months
old due to mild tear duct blockage. It cleared up on its own, but he
gets a yearly eye exam to monitor his eyes. So far so good!

DAY 12: While it's true that Liam is happy 99% of the time, it's important to remember that people who have Down syndrome experience emotions other than happiness, too! It's rare to see Liam
upset, but when he gets hurt or angry, he puts his all into it!

DAY 13: A common characteristic of Down syndrome
is small hands and feet. At age 2, Liam finally made it into a size 4
shoe. His tiny "starfish" hands are one of my favorite things about him!

DAY 14: A
few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are: low muscle
tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep
crease across the center of the palm. Every person with Down syndrome is
a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different
degrees or not at all. - NDSS Liam is definitely small, but he doesn't
have low muscle tone or the crease across his palm. What we hear the
most is "But he doesn't have the eyes!" He does have "the" eyes. They
just aren't noticeable until he smiles really big. When he does, I think
that little slant only adds to their beauty!

DAY 15: More than half of babies with #downsyndrome
are born with a heart defect. Many of them will need heart surgery (and
recover remarkably fast!). While we were in shock after hearing what
the doctor suspected, we were dealt another blow. We were given the 5
out of 8 babies statistic and Liam was immediately taken away to get his
heart checked. We weren't able to see him for hours. Thankfully, he
only had a tiny hole that typically closes on its own (apparently it is
common in newborns). It did close on its own, and at 9 months old, he
was cleared by the cardiologist...hopefully forever!!!

DAY 16: Individuals with Down syndrome have a higher incidence of endocrine
(thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands) problems than the general
population. No issues so far, but Liam had his thyroid checked at birth,
6 months, and 1 year. He's due for another thyroid test now, and will
have one done yearly to make sure his thyroid continues to function
properly. It's just a simple blood test, and they also do a CBC
(Complete Blood Count).
DAY 17: Down syndrome is the most common genetic condition. 1 in every 691 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome each year. That's approximately 6,000 babies. Liam was 1 in 691 and we adore him!

DAY 18: Down
syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of
chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of
development and causes the characteristics associated with Down
syndrome. (From NDSS) In most cases, it's just chance, and it occurs in
people of all races and economic levels.

DAY 19: Many
people assume that only older mothers have children with Down syndrome.
That's absolutely not true! The incidence of births of children with
Down syndrome increases with the age of the mother. But due to higher
fertility rates in younger women, 80% of children with Down syndrome are
born to women under 35 years of age. When Liam was conceived, I was 32.
The average age of a mother for a first birth is 30.

DAY 20: Some
people believe Down syndrome is hereditary. In most cases, it is not.
Translocation, a type of Down syndrome that accounts for 3 to 4% of all
cases, is the only type of Down syndrome known to have a hereditary
component. Of those, one third (or 1% of all cases of Down syndrome) are
hereditary. Liam does not have Translocation. His case was just chance.

Babies and toddlers who have Down syndrome give the best hugs EVER.
Seriously. Nothing compares. It isn't just a lower tone issue that
causes them to melt into your arms. It's so much more. When I pick Liam
up, he locks eyes with mine, smiles like I'm the best person in the
world, melts into my arms, wraps his arms around my neck, presses his
cheek against mine, and just when I think it couldn't possibly get any
better, he starts patting my back. The amount of love in that single
embrace is immeasurable. It takes my breath away every single time.

DAY 22: Many
babies and toddler who have Down syndrome have feeding issues. It's
often due to low muscle tone or difficulty coordinating tongue and jaw
movement. Liam lost a lot of weight as a newborn. It was initially
thought to be low muscle tone causing him to not feed properly, and at 2
months, his amazing OT came into our lives. She was previously on the
feeding team at the hospital, so feeding issues was her specialty. She
came to the conclusion that his weight loss/slow weight gain was caused
by him burning off more calories than he consumed, because he was
nursing properly. (He still gains very slowly.) Due to her background,
she insisted that Liam follow a typical feeding schedule. Because of
her, Liam was eating solids like a champ at 5.5 months, drinking from a
straw cup by 8 months, eating finger foods at 9 months, and using
utensils at 12 months. This kid loves his food! Of course, at age 2, the
pickiness is starting to set in, and he really enjoys feeding his food
to my parent's dogs, and throwing his cup and utensils!

DAY 23: Because
of abnormalities in their immune systems, those with Down syndrome are
much more at risk of infectious diseases, such as pneumonia. When Liam
was born, we were warned that he would most likely get sick every 4-6
weeks, and get frequent ear infections. Thankfully, Liam proved them
wrong! He has only had 2 ear infections, and only gets sick 2-3 times a
year. The only difference is, he usually has one illness a year that
lands him in the ER and requires at home breathing treatments. The last
time he was sick was at the beginning of May...and that was only because
he got cellulitis from an exam in the ER after a nose injury!
Unfortunately, he woke up with my cold yesterday (I told him not to
steal my drinks!), but he's still smiling!

DAY 24: Down
syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of
chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of
development and causes the characteristics associated with Down
syndrome. Some people consider that extra chromosome an imperfection,
but I consider it an enhancement. Take today for example. We got stuck
in the rain in the pumpkin patch . He was the only one smiling and laughing!

DAY 25: Tongue
protrusion is common in babies and toddlers who have Down syndrome.
This can be improved by building the muscles in the mouth through the
use of a straw cup and regular speech therapy.

DAY 26: There
are 3 types of Down syndrome: trisomy 21, translocation, and mosaicism.
It truly doesn't matter what type. They are all blessed with a little
extra and they are all downright awesome!

DAY 27: People
do not "suffer" from Down syndrome. Liam is not suffering, and we are
not suffering. And for those who doubt us, I'd love to invite you over
to spend a day with Liam. The only thing we suffer from is lots of
smiles and fits of laughter!

DAY 28: When
people use the word "retarded" they hurt an entire community of
families. Even if the usage was harmless and it was unintentional, it's
still wrong. There are over a million words in the English language.
I'm certain there's a word more suitable for what is trying to be said.

DAY 29: Down
syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally through chorionic villus sampling
(CVS) and amniocentesis. These tests are performed if blood work
indicates a strong chance of Down syndrome or if Down syndrome markers
are visible during an ultrasound. If a baby is diagnosed after he/she is
born, they perform a karyotype (a blood sample is taken and analyzed).
After Liam was born, it took us over 2 weeks to receive his test
results. We were told we would know within 48 hours. Every day I called,
and every day we were told that they were having a very difficult time
getting accurate results. Grant and I began to worry that it was
something worse. After 2 weeks of not knowing, Liam's pediatrician was
livid. She called DURING an appointment and demanded a yes or no result
within the hour. One hour later, she called me back to confirm his
diagnosis. We were actually relieved it was JUST Down syndrome. I have
no idea why they had so much trouble getting results. I guess he was
just trying to puzzle everyone from the very beginning!

DAY 30: Presume Competence.

DAY 31: Thank
you for reading all these facts for Down Syndrome Awareness Month and
thank you for all the love and support! Liam's genetic makeup may not be
"textbook perfect" but he has as much of a right to be here as you and I
do. He has strengths, talents, and gifts to give the world. ❤
is so much more than his Down syndrome diagnosis. He has blessed our
family so much and we are so proud of him. He is just plain awesome.

And that, my friends, is life with Down syndrome! It isn't nearly as scary as it's made out to be! Liam is an incredible kid who has touched our lives (and many others) in so many ways. He is a blessing and we are HONORED to be his family!
Liam has to be the cutest kid I have ever seen, ever time I read your blog and see pictures of him it brings a smile to my face! What a joy!
ReplyDeleteCute! Have you seen this?
ReplyDeleteHe's just so darn happy in every single picture! Who wouldn't love him?! And what a blessing he is to your sweet little family. <3
ReplyDeleteLove this post, so much great information! And the pictures are to die for...precious little man you have there!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing all the pictures of Liam. Thank you for this post. I've learned a lot of things by reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteHe is such a little gem. Really completes your beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteI love this so much. Mr. Liam is such a cutie and it shows how much everyone loves and adores this little guy! Thanks for putting all these facts out there! You rock, girl!