When Liam was placed in my arms two years ago, I knew as soon as his eyes met mine that he wasn't the child I was expecting. I remember the way my heart dropped and I remember the despair that filled my entire body. I was so focused on what I THOUGHT I knew about Down syndrome that I didn't even realize the amazing blessing I was given.
I can still vividly remember the moment our eyes met. I see those eyes every single time I close my own eyes at night. I imagine that moment will remain with me forever. The only difference is that now when I think back, that moment is completely beautiful.
Liam is not a mistake. He is not imperfect. He is one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever met. I never understood how parents who had a child with special needs could say it was the best thing that ever happened to them. The thing is, you truly can't understand it until you live it. Liam made my life infinitely better. He is pure love and pure joy and it is an HONOR to be his mother. Sometimes the most unexpected things are EXACTLY what is needed.
Liam had a GREAT 2nd Birthday!
It all began when he woke up and was greeted by his adoring fans (AKA his mom, his siblings, and his cousin) and a room filled with balloons!

He immediately headed for his highchair and got ready for special birthday breakfast!

At first, he wasn't too sure about the doughnut "cake" and birthday song.

He quickly changed his mind!

Surprisingly, Liam vetoed the doughnut and opted for his banana instead!
I was a mean mom on this birthday morning. Liam had his 2 year well exam scheduled, and that was immediately followed by an hour of speech therapy!
I didn't get a chance to take a picture at Liam's appointment, because they moved at an unusually fast pace today! He had a great visit. He was 22 lbs and 32 inches, which put him on the growth chart for the very first time. It was the 1st percentile, but hey, we'll celebrate it!!! His doctor joked that he's officially the size of a 1 year old now!
Other than that, he's 100% healthy and he met every developmental milestone that needed to be reached by a "typical" child by age 2! This kid amazes us!
Back at home, he had one of his best speech therapy sessions to date. His therapist had him repeating almost every word she said, and he said "Tiger Roar Roar" which is pretty much his first sentence ever! Starting speech therapy at 14 months was one of the best decisions we ever made for him!
After Ms. Shannon left, Liam had his favorite lunch: Macaroni and Cheese and orange slices. Of course, it was immediately followed by a blowout, which required a bath. At 1:58 PM, right after he got dried off and diapered, he officially became a 2 year old!

Liam's personality was shining bright today, so we had a super quick photoshoot after his bath! My sweet, beautiful boy turns me into a puddle of mush! (More pictures to come!)

After some playtime outside, it was time for a nap!
He slept for several hours, and woke up ready for his pasta dinner! Dinner was immediately followed by his mini birthday party!

There was a delicious little cake which was lovingly made by his Nina!

Liam's all about the cake...

He got to cuddle with his Nina and Papa.

Finally, came the presents. He just wasn't as interested in opening his gifts as he was at his birthday party. Apparently he just wanted to run! Although he wasn't impressed by the money for clothes from his Nina and Papa, he did decide he loved the Mickey Mouse book they gave him!

Lily tried so hard to get him to open the present from her, but he just wouldn't cooperate. He did think the mirror on the flashcard book she gave him was awesome!

Liam loved the chewy ark from Lexie!

He got a car from Dylan!

Although he still wouldn't settle down enough to open his own gifts, he really liked his gift from mommy and daddy! I had a feeling he would!

Our mini celebration came to an end, and my parents headed home. We had such a special day with our TWO year old!

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Liam. You light up the world and you are loved beyond measure!

Happy birthday precious boy!!!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I can't believe he is TWO already!! Like seriously!! Happy Birthday to your little man!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, handsome boy!!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweetie! HBD Liam!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, what a sweet little boy! Happy birthday, Liam. I have no clue what it's like to raise a special needs child but it sure sounds like yours was given to the most wonderful Mama. I have 2 girls (3 yrs, and 4 mo.) and I always hated being asked by my doctor while pregnant, whether or not I would terminate pregnancy if the baby had Downs Syndrome (you know, after taking those tests that determine whether baby has it or not). My decision would have been "absolutely NO termination"...I would have accepted the role of Mother to whatever sweet child I was blessed with to raise. But I hated being asked for 2 reasons: 1) I couldn't help but imagine how many mothers say "yes" and this made me so sad. 2) It made me think about having that conversation with my husband, who I think would have encouraged "yes", too. I'm so glad I didn't have to have that conversation with him because I know it would have been just awful. Anyways, I applaud you for accepting motherhood, no matter how it looks, with such grace and love. You both are lucky to have each other :) -Misty
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Liam, you cute superstar! These photos are so adorable! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd birthday Liam!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday once again, Mr. Liam! He seriously melts my heart. I just love to see how much his siblings love him and adore him. Thanks for sharing such a special day!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie! Glad he had such a special day!
ReplyDeleteAwe! Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Liam! To a little boy who lights up every room... It looks like you made his day wonderfully special...well-visit and all.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Liam!