Our Five Ring Circus: The Kids Behind The Blog - October

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Kids Behind The Blog - October

 The Kids Behind The Blog

October is in full swing! The leaves are falling, the air is cooler and in just a few weeks, the kids will be putting on their costumes and going trick or treating.

I'm always amazed by how quickly the months fly by. Each month my kids are just a little bit older. That's the point of raising kids but it really is unbelievably bittersweet! I feel like I just posted last month's interview but here we are again. Time for another edition of The Kids Behind The Blog! I ask the questions and my kids give their candid answers.  It's always fun to hear what they're really thinking!


This month it's all about Halloween! 


1. What do you want to be for Halloween?

"Joker from Suicide Squad." -Dylan, Age 9 

(Dylan and every other tween boy...)

"I want to be Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad." -Alexandria, Age 9  

(She never even watched the movie!)

"I want to be Ariel with the pretend grass hands!" -Liliana, Age 5  

(Pretend grass hands rock!)

"Oink Oink." -Liam, Age 3  

(So I guess he's going to be a pig?)


2. Do you like handing out candy or collecting it? 

"Collecting it AND handing out." -Dylan, Age 11 

(Option one is more accurate.)

"COLLECTING! Like who would ever say they like handing candy out? You would just want to eat it!" -Alexandria, Age 9  

(True that.)

"I like handing out candy and giving it to my friends!" -Liliana, Age 5  

(Now that's a sweet answer!)

"Yeah!" -Liam, Age 3  

(He obviously agrees with both!)


3. What should mommy and daddy be for Halloween?

"Peanut Butter and Jelly." -Dylan, Age 11 

(Interesting choice, kid.)

"Lorelai and Luke from Gilmore Girls!" -Alexandria, Age 9  

(She just might be right...)

"Mommy could be the Gilmore Girl mom and Daddy could be a lion. The king lion!" -Liliana, Age 5  

(But wait...who is going to be the Luke to my Lorelai?!?)

"BAD! BAD!" (Yells it and points his finger at me.) -Liam, Age 3  

(He usually yells bad after he does something wrong and smacks his own hand. This is a new development!)


4. Do you like to make a scary or happy faces Jack-o-lantern? 

"Scary." -Dylan, Age 11  

(Not surprised.)

(This starts with a giggle.) "Scary. Of course scary." *Evil laugh.* "Why are you writing down everything I say. STOP. You're mean." -Alexandria, Age 9 

(And you, my dear, talk too much!)

"Cool! Scary! Scary!"  -Liliana, Age 5  

(My kids aren't afraid of much!)

"BYE!" -Liam, Age 3 

(I guess he's ending this early?)


5. What is the best part of Halloween? What's the worst?

"Getting candy and dressing up is the best. The worst is whenever it's all freezing and you end up crying and going inside." -Dylan, Age 11  

(I sure hope he's not talking about me. I'm always the last one standing!)

"Eating the candy is the best! The worst is if it's raining and freezing and you just want to go in the house. And also when you eat a lot of candy and feel like you're going to puke." -Alexandria, Age 9  

(That is the pits.)

"The best part is getting candy and sharing it with everybody I know. The worst part is when the people don't let little kids get candy. I feel bad for them so I just give them some of my candy." -Liliana, Age 5  

(She clearly wants something from me...)

"Cheeeese!" -Liam, Age 3  

(I feel like this response may have been triggered by the camera hanging around my neck. What can I say? I have him trained!)


The Kids Behind The Blog keep things lively in our home! There's never a dull moment with these four around. I love my little tribe!


Stay tuned for November's interview!

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The Kids Behind The Blog 
Let's Be Friends!


  1. I love all of their answers. Liam's "oink oink" was so cute. He'd be the cutest little pig. Dylan's answers didn't surprise me for a tween boy. I was surprised Lexie said scary for pumpkin though. She's so happy I figured she'd say happy face.

  2. I love reading all of their answers! The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie. Is Lily really being Ariel for Halloween?

  3. Oh my gosh, this post seriously brought a smile to my face! Your kids are hilariously adorable! And Liliana's answers were so sweet!

  4. Your interviews are ALWAYS one of my favorites to read. Liam leaves me smiling, Lily is so sweet and I love hearing what Dylan and Alexandria have to say. Their answers for the worst part, were the best part. So stinking funny!

  5. You take the absolute best photos! So gorgeous. Mason has never seen Suicide Squad, but he’s obsessed with it. He has the Legos. He would totally be someone from Suicide Squad if he had thought of it. I’m digging the pretend glass hands. I love the idea of being Lorelei and Luke from GG! I love Liam’s “Bye” on question #4. So cute. And, your tribe is the cutest.

  6. Lorelai and Luke from Gilmore Girls!! That's brilliant! If y'all do that be sure to take pictures!

  7. I don't know what was funnier, the kids comments or yours in parenthesis!!

  8. I love Alexandra's response that you were mean for writing everything down xD

  9. This is so cute and fun! Yay for grass hands and oink oink!😅

  10. These were hilarious!!
    Oink oink - my favorite of them all! :)

  11. Those are some great answers!! I hear you on the weather. We're in MI and it is always miserable. I think I can count on one hand how many times it hasn't been raining/sleeting/snowing in my 32 years of life.

  12. They are so smart. I hope you're really going as Luke and Lorelei!


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