Our Five Ring Circus: Happy Half Birthday, Liam!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy Half Birthday, Liam!


Happy Half Birthday to my beautiful baby boy!  Six months flew by in the blink of an eye.  I am so thankful for this incredible baby who captured my heart.

Fourteen years ago on this day, I said a final goodbye to my Grandma.  I grew up next door to my Grandma, and saw her almost every single day of my life.  We were extremely close, and when I lost her, it felt like I lost a piece of my heart.  I miss her so much and really wish she could have met my babies.  This date is always a sad one for me.

This year, however, I felt joy.  Today, I celebrated 6 months with the baby who changed my life.

Happy half birthday, my love!  You are loved so very much.



  1. Happy half bday Liam!!!! :)


  2. So cute! We just celebrated 9 months and 6 months since heart surgery. I never could have imagined how much joy and happiness David would bring to our lives. We have some special boys! Happy 6 months, Liam!

  3. Happy Half birthday buddy! Love you!


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